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onsdag 6 april 2022

Mitä tiedetään XE rekombinantista?

 Haen variuantin omalla nimellä XE ja löytyyhän se. 

 Sidan du besökte försöker att skicka dig till https://github.com/cov-lineages/pango-designation/issues/454.




Recombinant lineage of BA.1 and BA.2, UK lineage, from pango-designation issue #454


Potential BA.1/BA.2 Recombinant Lineage with Likely Breakpoint at NSP5/NSP6 (267 Sequences in the UK and Ireland) #454

c19850727 opened this issue on 1 Mar · 12 comments 


Recombinant between: BA.1* & BA.2
Earliest sequence: 2022/1/16 (UK-England)
Most recent sequence: 2022/2/21 (UK-England)
Countries circulating: UK (England and Scotland), Ireland
Likely breakpoint: between 10448 and11287 (NSP5 or NSP6).
Conserved Nuc mutations and AA changes (those in red frames are likely from the donor from the BA.1 

Private mutations: C14599T


Nextclade downsampled tree (unrooted):




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