Seuraan tiedemiesten kirjeenvaihtoa , joka johti sitten tämän uuden rekombinantin (XT) linjan määrittelyyn.
XT | 12 | 0 | Recombinant lineage of BA.1 and BA.2, South Africa lineage, from pango-designation issue #478 |
Tiedemies, jonka nimimerkki on cornelius, antaa tässä yhteydessä linkin AY.s driving-mutation- kohdista vastauksena erääseen kysymykseen. Otan talteen linkin. Tämä linkki on siitä keskustelusta, jota tiedemiehet kävivät XT- rekombinantin suhteen, sillä siinä on osanen, aminohappomuutos, joka on joissain deltavartiantin sekvensseissa ja lambdassa nimittäin S:G75V, siis spike-proteiinissa glysiini (G75) on vaihtunut valiiniksi (V) . Vertailemalla erilaisia AY-deltavirusvariantteja joissa on esiintynyt tuo aminohappomuutos sellaisiin, joissa sitä ei esiintynyt, havaittiin, että virus saa kasvuetua tuosta mutaatiosta.
SITAATTI koskien mutaatiota S: G75V. :
( look at this one:
here there are mutations driving to each of the AY.s lineages
If i understood well what you were asking for )
XT-omikron variantista on seuraava alkukuvaus:
South African BA.2/BA.1* Recombinant with S:75V and breakpoint at ORF3a/M Protein (11 Seqs as of 2022-04-10) #478
Recombinant between: BA.2 & BA.1*
Earliest sequence: 2021/12/13 (South Africa)
Most recent sequence: 2022/2/21 (South Africa)
Countries circulating: South Africa (Gauteng, Limpopo and North-West)
Likely breakpoint: between 26062 and 26528 (from ORF3a to M protein).
Conserved Nuc mutations (those in red frames are likely from the donor from the BA.1* side):
Cov-spectrum query: ORF1a:G1307S, ORF1a:S135R, ORF1a:T842I, S:G75V, M:D3G
(Chrisruis kysyy) can you have a look at this one? It's from South Africa, which means there are probably many more of this recombinant than 9.
It's interesting for a couple of reasons:
- Very early recombinant, earliest sample from early December
- Sustained circulation into March
- BA.1 breakpoint after BA.2 spike
- It has S:G75V which was part of Lambda
- Recombinant from South Africa
- Common throughout South Africa
- Seems to be growing, now at almost 1%?
(Corneliusroeamer vastaa) I noticed S:75V also increased in proportion in Delta. It seems to have provided a 1%/day growth advantage, which is not insignificant.
(Deltan avulla on katsottu S:G75V-mutaation merkitystä viruksen kasvuun. Se on edullinen viruksen kasvulle).*&aaMutations1=S%3A75V&pangoLineage1=B.1.617.2*&analysisMode=CompareToBaseline&
(Corneliusroemar noteeraa): I agree that the circulation across multiple regions of South Africa over several months supports designation in this case. We've added this as XT,
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