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söndag 31 juli 2022

Ravinnon riittävällä seleenipitoisuudella on merkitystä koronavirusinfektioissa






Sars-2 koronaviruksen pakkaussignaalin terapeuttinen hyödyntäminen lie vielä tulevaisuuden terapiakeinoja


Viruksen pakkaussignaalin terapeuttinen hyödyntäminen näyttää olevan vielä tulevaisuuden asia. 31.7. 2022 koronavirusten suhteen.

Monilla koronaviruksilla on tunnistetavissa olevat pakkaussignaalit.  Sen sijaan Sars-1 ja sars-3 virusten suhteen asia ei oel  niin  selkeä. Arvellaan, että nsp15 omaisi jotain pakkaussignaaliominaisuutta, ja sitä on koetettu  hydyntää mandollisella terapeuttisella  strategialla , joka on utkimusvaiheessaan  ja riskien pohdintavaiheessa.  


Koronavirusten RNA:n pakkauksesta  on artikkeli vuodelta 2019  Virologian nettilinkeissä.

LÄHDE:  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0042682219302569

•Selective incorporation of the coronavirus genome into virions is mediated by a cis-acting RNA packaging signal.
•Packaging signals vary across different coronavirus genera and lineages.
•Different lines of evidence attribute packaging signal recognition to either the nucleocapsid or the membrane protein.
•Selective coronavirus genome packaging plays a role in evasion of host innate immunity.

Omicron BA.5.2* ryhmäläiset alkanevat dominoida sars-2 varianteissa lähiviikkoina.


MPXV Poxvirus leviää vähitellen




fredag 29 juli 2022

Etelä-Amerikan viimevuotinen Sars-Cov-2viruksen Mu variantti ehti saada kaksi alalinjaa ja yhden sub-alalinjan ( BB.2)

Huomaan vasta tänään Permalink-luettelosta, että MU-variantti (B.1.621)  sai viime vuonna alalinjallensa B.1.621.1 vielä kaksi  sub-alalinjaa.  Mu variantin  alalinja B.1.621.1  merkattiin  "BB" koodilla  ja sitten sen alalinjat saivat virstanpylväät BB.1 ja BB.2 ennen joulua 2021 , jolloin delta-aalto (B.1.617.2, "AY")  alkoi osoittaa saaneensa jo selvää  vastustusta.  Omikronin  (BA.1.1.529, "BA")vaikutus ilmeni vasta hieman myöhemmin- vuodenvaihteessa varsinkin -  ja tässä  lokakuun  marraskuun vaihteessa  ei vielä ollut kovin paljon käsitystä omikronin valtakauden alkamisesta. Otan sitaatin Mu-variantin sub-alaryhmien virstanpylvään asettamisesta 17.12. 2021. Huomaa tammikuinen varianttilinjan tarkistus  tekstin lopussa. Otan sitaatin  päivä päivältä, koska   silloin tätä GITHUB aisaa on helpompi käsittää.

(MU variantti BA.1.621 sai yhden alalinjan ja se merkitään BB, sillä sille tuli alkuhahmottelussa  kaksi sub-alalinjaa: BB.1 ja BB.2. Nämä on merkattu jo varhain ja  GITHUB asiasta #232  on tässä muutamia sitaatteja viime vuodelta). Tarkennuksista  mainittu loppuyhteenvedossa.

 GITHUB  pohdinnan alku: lokakuun alussa 1.10.2021.

Two potential sublineages of B.1.621.1, one with Spike Y449N and E583D, the other with Spike S939F #232


c1985.... opened this issue on 1 Oct 2021 · 11 comments


c1985...commented on 1 Oct 2021 

Proposed sublineage 1
Sub-lineage of: B.1.621.1 (98 sequences)
Earliest sequence: 2021/5/15 (Spain)
Most recent sequence: 2021/9/11 (Chile)
Countries circulating: Chile (19 sequences); also found in Canada, Colombia, Peru and the US, likely extinct though.
Mutations in addition to B.1.621.1:
M: R146H
N: T391I (defining)
S: Y449N, E583D
ORF1a: T812I
ORF7a: Q94H
MU Y449N.csv

Proposed sublineage 2
Sub-lineage of: B.1.621.1 (264 sequences)
Earliest sequence: 2021/5/19 (Spain)
Most recent sequence: 2021/9/8 (the US-CA)
Countries circulating: the US, predominantly California (212 sequences), and other states (41 sequences)
Mutations in addition to B.1.621.1:
N: T379I (defining)
S: S939F (defining)
ORF1a: N2147D, K2148R (defining), T2952I
ORF3a: V259L
MU S939F.csv

Andreiil mentioned this issue on 31 Oct 2021

Proposal for a new sublineage of MU with S: 449N + S:583D that seems to resist better than others to Delta Expansion #299

A new GISAID upload just came from Colombia. It continues to look like the issue in #299 is real, and S:E583D+S:Y449N continues to expand even as the rest of Mu is close to extinction

FedeGueli commented on 31 Oct 2021

As cited in #299 there is an interesting thread on twitter on sublineage 1 by Ricardo Rivero 

MCB6 commented on 2 Nov 2021

A new GISAID upload just came from Colombia. It continues to look like the issue in #299 is real, and S:E583D+S:Y449N continues to expand even as the rest of Mu is close to extinction

RicardoRH96 commented on 2 Nov 2021

A new GISAID upload just came from Colombia. It continues to look like the issue in #299 is real, and S:E583D+S:Y449N continues to expand even as the rest of Mu is close to extinction

It is necessary to keep an eye on this lineage, hope it gets designated soon.

Corneliusroemer  commented on 2 Nov 2021

It looks interesting, yes, because it seems to be able to almost compete with Delta - but only in Colombia, not Chile.

Colombia doesn't sequence much so the uncertainty is huge. But it does seem to have staying powers which is very interesting.

MCB6 commented on 2 Nov 2021

Colombia doesn't sequence much so the uncertainty is huge.

That's why I got excited today when they nearly doubled the number of last two month's sequences. I don't think it's visible at covSpectrum yet. But still with the grand total of 5 sequences in October, it's too uncertain, and regional variation may obscure any real trends. In Chile it see to be highly regional too, like Atacama in the North?

MCB6 , you could search on CovSpectrum just the mutations.

And one can click on Chile's regions to realize that at one point, this Mu variety accounted for almost all of Atacama's sequences. But apparently not anymore. The strain dynamics in this region has several weirdly quick sweeps. Before mid-August it was Chile's usual Gamma / Lambda mix. Then Mu arrived and in just one months achieved total dominance (mostly, but not only, this substrain). Then Delta arrived and in another month the sweep was complete, with the classic Mu going away first, and the Mu+S:449N+S583D holding for only a little bit longer.
The number of cases in Atacama has been quite low during all this era of sweeps, mostly in single digits daily, so we may be dealing with founder outbreaks rather than with true strain competition? Which might explain the unrealistically fast changes?

MCB6 commented on 14 Nov 2021

Mu+S:449N+S583D was also in Lima, Peru in early August, seems to have disappeared by mid-September. 10 samples from Peru (they only started extensive sequencing in recent weeks, added over 3,000 genomes so far).

Colombia added more October samples today. Mu+S:449N+S583D still accounts for ~10% of the recently collected samples (8 / 85 samples)

InfrPopGen  self-assigned this on 21 Nov 2021

MCB6 commented on 21 Nov 2021

Another batch from Colombia uploaded, including some late-October samples. The slight expansion trend of Mu+Spike_E583D,Spike_Y449N is holding well. In contrast, other varieties of Mu are nearly extinct.

InfrPopGen pushed a commit to InfrPopGen/pango-designation that referenced this issue on 17 Dec 2021

Added new lineages BB.1 and BB.2 from cov-lineages#232 with 91 and 23…

  InfrPopGen added the designated label on 17 Dec 2021

InfrPopGen commented on 17 Dec 2021

Thanks for submitting. We've added proposal 1 as lineage BB.1 with 91 designated sequences in v1.2.113 and proposal 2 as lineage BB.2 with 238 designated sequences in v1.2.113

chrisruis added a commit that referenced this issue on 17 Dec 2021

Merge pull request #372 from InfrPopGen/master

  chrisruis added this to the BB.1 BB.2 milestone on 17 Dec 2021 


Kommentti: Mitä CovLineages mainitsevat sen jälkeen näistä   varianteista? Tarkistan:

B.1.621 United States of America 39.0%, Colombia 26.0%, Chile 9.0%, Ecuador 5.0%, Spain 4.0% 2020-12-15 13; 11266 Lineage predominantly in Colombia with several spike mutations, pango-designation issue #57 Mu
B.1.621.1 United States of America 64.0%, Spain 9.0%, Dominican_Republic 6.0%, Colombia 3.0%, Austria 2.0% 2021-04-09 97; 1938 Lineage in multiple countries, pango-designation issue #115
B.1.621.2 Colombia 64.0%, Chile 18.0%, United States of America 10.0%, Peru 4.0%, Canada 2.0% 2021-04-11 91; 691 Lineage in multiple countries, from pango-designation issue #232

BB.2 United States of America 97.0%, Dominican_Republic 1.0%, Canada 1.0%, France 1.0%, Spain 0.0% 2021-05-19 238, 358 Alias of B.1.621.1.2, from pango-designation issue #232

 (Kommenttini:  Huomaan tammikuulta 2022 merkinnän):

chrisruis commented on 7 Jan

It looks like BB.1 clusters outside of B.1.621.1 in recent UShER trees. It still clusters within B.1.621 so we've updated BB.1 to B.1.621.2 and withdrawn BB.1 in v1.2.122


Tässä  tammikuisessa (2022)  päivityksessä on  joulukuussa  (2021)  ryhmitelty BB.1 siirretty suoraan  Mu variantin toiseksi  alalinjaksi BA.1.621.2  , joten  ensimmäisen  alalinjan  BA.1.621.1  sub-alalinjaksi 2  jää vain  BB.2.   Tarkemmin ilmaistuna B.1.621.1.2

Nimitys BB.1 poistettiin luettelosta kokonaan pois , koska  siihen  aluksi ryhmitetyt  virusnäytteet  osoittautuivat olevan  suoraa Mu-alalinjaa ( joka ei tarvitse koodia BB eli   alalinjan sub-linjamerkintää), kun oli usheroitu  varianttien  klusteroitumista  edelleen.  Ne klusteroituivat  päälinjalle (mu) , eikä  sen ensimmäiselle alalinjalle.  Siksi niistä tuli toinen Mu  alalinja. Ihmettelinkin ensin, että mistä se tuli, mutta GITHUB-teksti selvensi  asian.

Tärkeä permalink niistä sars-2 varianttidefinitioista, joilla on erityinen koodilyhennys olemassa. Myös rekombinaattien nimet ovat listassa

 Aktuelli permalinkki: Nämä koodit ovat olennaisia niille, jotka haluavat seurata  viruksen evoluutiotilannetta ja "pysyä kärryillä" koodinimien merkityksestä. Jokaisella VOC variantilla ei ole ollut tarvetta  lyhennyskoodille, kuten beeta (VOC)  variantilla ( B.1.351,  jonka  alalinjakirjo jäi kohtalaisen  helpoksi käsitellä.mutta  esim.  delta (AY) ja omikron(BA) ovat hyvin  runsaasti versonneet.  Tällä hetkellä omikron poimii rekombinaateissaan esiin jopa  joitain   aiempiakin sekvenssejä, joita selvitellään. Sentakia on hyvä muistutella  PANGO-listan muitakin koodeja ja systematiikkaa eddellisvuosilta. Omikronin  päärekombinaantit kuitenkin ovat sen omien uudehkojen alalinjojen kesken ja ne ovat listassa mainittuna.  Luettelo on suorastaan ihana!  Alkuvirus on "A".  Jos  jokin virus tuli yleisvaaralliseksi, se sai erityisen VOC nimen WHO:ssa ja se on kreikkalainen kirjain, mutta   tämä ei permalink  ole  VOC-luettelo, vaan perustava PANGO-NIMITYS systeemi, jolla on tarpeen mukaan  mahdollisuutta  laajeta systemaattisesti  vaikka kuinka paljon.Tämä ei sinänsä kerro variantin vaaroista.  Vaarallisuustaulukko on taas se VOC, VOI, VUM, ja siinä taulukossa  jokin variantti saa  jonkin helpon  maailmankansalaisille tarkoitetun   käyttökelpoisen kutsumanimen kielenkäyttöön kreikkalaisesta aakkostosta. Miten helppo se siten on kiinalaisille, thamaalaisille ja niille joilla ei ole eurooppalainen kielikulttuuri perustana? en vain tiedä miten kiinaksi näitä VOC-varianteja  kirjoitettaisiin ja erotettaisiin. Onneksi meille on tuo  kreikka tuttua jo koulumattesta.

   Systemaattinen taulukko tarvitaan  monitoroinnin  yhtenäistämiseksi ja tehostamiseski ja   se helpottaa yleisvaaran  varhaista havaitsemista.


    "A": "",
    "B": "",
    "C": "B.1.1.1",
    "D": "B.1.1.25",
    "G": "B.1.258.2",
    "K": "B.1.1.277",
    "L": "B.1.1.10",
    "M": "B.1.1.294",
    "N": "B.1.1.33",
    "P": "B.1.1.28",
    "Q": "B.1.1.7",
    "R": "B.1.1.316",
    "S": "B.1.1.217",
    "U": "B.1.177.60",
    "V": "B.1.177.54",
    "W": "B.1.177.53",
    "Y": "B.1.177.52",
    "Z": "B.1.177.50",
    "AA": "B.1.177.15",
    "AB": "B.1.160.16",
    "AC": "B.1.1.405",
    "AD": "B.1.1.315",
    "AE": "B.1.1.306",
    "AF": "B.1.1.305",
    "AG": "B.1.1.297",
    "AH": "B.1.1.241",
    "AJ": "B.1.1.240",
    "AK": "B.1.1.232",
    "AL": "B.1.1.231",
    "AM": "B.1.1.216",
    "AN": "B.1.1.200",
    "AP": "B.1.1.70",
    "AQ": "B.1.1.39",
    "AS": "B.1.1.317",
    "AT": "B.1.1.370",
    "AU": "B.1.466.2",
    "AV": "B.1.1.482",
    "AW": "B.1.1.464",
    "AY": "B.1.617.2",
    "AZ": "B.1.1.318",
    "BA": "B.1.1.529",
    "BB": "B.1.621.1",
    "BC": "B.1.1.529.1.1.1",
    "BD": "B.1.1.529.1.17.2",
    "BE": "B.1.1.529.5.3.1",
    "BF": "B.1.1.529.5.2.1",
    "BG": "B.1.1.529.2.12.1",
    "XA": ["B.1.1.7","B.1.177"],
    "XB": ["B.1.634","B.1.631"],
    "XC": ["AY.29","B.1.1.7"],
    "XD": ["B.1.617.2*","BA.1*"],
    "XE": ["BA.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XF": ["B.1.617.2*","BA.1*"],
    "XG": ["BA.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XH": ["BA.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XJ": ["BA.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XK": ["BA.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XL": ["BA.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XM": ["BA.1.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XN": ["BA.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XP": ["BA.1.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XQ": ["BA.1.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XR": ["BA.1.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XS": ["B.1.617.2*","BA.1.1*"],
    "XT": ["BA.2*","BA.1*"],
    "XU": ["BA.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XV": ["BA.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XW": ["BA.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XY": ["BA.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XZ": ["BA.2*","BA.1*"],
    "XAA": ["BA.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XAB": ["BA.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XAC": ["BA.2*","BA.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XAD": ["BA.2*","BA.1*"],
    "XAE": ["BA.2*","BA.1*"],
    "XAF": ["BA.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XAG": ["BA.1*","BA.2*"],
    "XAH": ["BA.2*","BA.1*"],
    "XAJ": ["BA.2.12.1*","BA.4*"],
    "XAK": ["BA.2*","BA.1*","BA.2*"]


tisdag 26 juli 2022

26.7. 2022 uusin omikronrekombinantti XAK , saksalainen BA.2/BA.1/BA.2 rekombinaatio

German BA.2/BA.1/BA.2 recombinant with S:K147E, S:R346K, S:460K, S:493 reversion, S:H1101Y [55 seq as of 2022-07-22] #823

 Lähete  asiasta #823:   Fedeueli  spotted this one and mentioned it in #773
Recombinant between: BA.2/BA.1/BA.2
Earliest sequence: 1st of June 2022
Most recent sequence: 23th of June 2022
Country: Germany
Likely breakpoint: between 13195 and 15240 and between 21618 and 21762 [S:27 to S:67]
Private Mutations: C4927T, T5386G (like BA.1), C7834T, C12049T, A220001G/S:K147E, G22599A/S:R346K, G22992/S:S477N, C24863T/S:H1101Y, A27507G .

(20 days ago)  "Thanks for analysing these sequences! great job.
i would add that this sublineage has the S:H69- S:V70- 69/70del
and the S:493Q reverted to wildtype,
both important features.
I am still not completely convinced that it is a simple recombinant event or something popping up from or next to the "Omicrons" source.

silcn: " apart from the fact this has only been found in Germany, another argument against a link to the Omicron source is the presence of 9866T in the BA.2 section. A combined BA.1/BA.2 chronic infection could certainly produce something like this".

" Good point thx, silcn".
JS,  from BA.1 there is also the 5386G that was highlighted by  C198.. in the other issue".

(19 days ago)   Shay: "In Israel we got a sample (will soon be uploaded to GISAID) of a sample clustering with this branch of a passenger coming from Greece (no contact to Germany)".

"If this is a real recombinant, it means that it's a recombinant + saltation. Because then we consider the 69/70 del not as part of BA.1 section (As the C21762T mutation of BA.1 is missing). And also it has many nonBA.2/BA.1 mutations which are highly converged in Omicrons 2nd gen/stepwise :
and the highly converged reversion in 493".


"Thanks shay ,  to me it is still contested if it is a plain recombinant , a recombinant in a chronic case or something coming from the entourage of original Omicron source.
The  silcn argument on Germany is weakened by the fact that BA.5+S:346I was barely sequenced in South Africa and then popped up and emerged fastly in Germany, representing a brand new branch of BA.5 distinct from the main designated or even proposed ones

And i was just reading casually this paper yesterday" :

"Potential evidence of a single recombination event involving BA.1, BA.2 and BA3 was identified by 3SEQ (P = 0.03), GARD (delta c-AIC = 20) and RDP5 (GENECONV P = 0.027; RDP P = 0.006) within the NTD encoding region of spike. The most likely breakpoint locations for this recombination event were 21690 for the 5′ breakpoint (high likelihood interval between 15716 and 21761) and 22198 for the 3′ breakpoint (high likelihood interval between 22197 and 22774)." (Tulio de Oliveira et Al:
the original BA.1/BA.2/BA.3 breakpoint seems to overlap with the breakpoints of this one described here. Sincerely i dunno know if significant or not, very far from me i would say to say anything relevant, but maybe someone else could take a 2nd look at this".

Silcn:  "BA.5+S:346I doesn't come directly from the Omicron source though. There have been at least 5 (maybe more, see #455, #561) separate emergences from the Omicron source and in every case most of the early sequences came from South Africa".

FedeGueli:   "Yes true i mean if a very transmissible lineage is barely detected in the country where it likely emerged i think a much lower transmissible one can fly under the radar easily. Not saying it is wrong what have you said but that is not the strongest argument vs BA.6 hypothesis, i think. Also as you i think a new recomb in a chronic host different from Omicron source is the most likely explanation".

 Josette: "Thanks for all the comments! It gave me some extra insight.
I think it is more complicated than a normal recombinant with 2 breaking points. I missed the 69/70 del, since it is not in Sc2rf, but that would make it 2 BA.1 mutation clusters instead of one.
Together with the T5386G BA.1 mutation, which is shown by Sc2rf, and I did notice, but didn't highlight as BA.1 (just edited it in the first part of the issue) and the 493 reversion (A23040A) that really makes it very complicated.

To summarize the nucleotides:
1-4321 BA.2
T5386G BA.1
8393-13195 BA.2
15240-21618 BA.1
C21762C BA.2
21765-21770 BA.1 (69/70del)
21846-22882 BA.2
A23040A S:493Q reversion, no BA.1/2
23048-29510 BA.2
Plus of course several private mutations."

Josette: " changed the title German BA.2/BA.1/BA.2 recombinant with extra S:K147E, S:R346K, S:S477N, S:H1101Y and 5 other private mutations German BA.2/BA.1/BA.2 recombinant with extra S:K147E, S:R346K, S:H1101Y and 5 other private mutations 19 days ago

Silcn: " also possible that 69/70del occurred independently rather than being BA.1-derived. Wouldn't be too surprising given the other additional spike mutations".

 (18 days ago)

FedeGueli: "Thanks, Josette! I suggest to edit your main comment so it would be clearer for everyone !"

FedeGueli: " Silcn, that is possible, but in a landscape of multiple breakpoints and a key reversion for other Omicron lineages i dont know how much we can be sure of that or not".

Silcn:   "Josette, also interesting that you mention BA.3, because something very similar happened there: it contains S:G446S from BA.1 in an otherwise ancestral BA.2-derived section. Again, impossible to know if it arose independently or though recombination. Still doesn't change my opinion that this lineage probably has nothing to do with the Omicron source (the C9866T is convincing enough for me). The S:R493Q reversion doesn't make things any more complicated than they already are: it is extremely common in saltation-derived BA.2 sequences/lineages with multiple Spike mutations."

 Shay: " As I mentioned yesterday, a first Israeli sample (traveler from Greece) :


 (15 days ago) 

Ulrich: "We have two cases in Austria as well, currently uploading to Github".

 FedeGueli: " Ulrich, thx a lot!   To  the  highest  Authorities: C.R. C.R  A.H. IPG :  in my view this has to be granted an early designation, whatever as recombinant or something else, still very different from everything else circulating (or better saying that it has a unique mix of mutations actually on the rise) .

Ulrich:  "What I find remarkable about this variant is that it appears to be convergent evolution with BA.2.75 (147, 460, 493) and with regards to the 493 reversion even BA.5. It seems obvious the virus has identified the next surfaces to optimise."

Shay :  "Ulrich  This is why it might be a combination of recombination+saltation in a chronic patient.      The mutations converged in this one are indeed more related to variants that arose outside SA and the parallel BA.1-5.     And the recombination is much cleaner than could be seen in cases where presumably a wide range of variants been co-evolved like might be in the original chronic patient ( like BA.3 probably coming from the same body where BA.1 and BA.2 evolved and XB probably coming from the same body were B.1.631 and B.1.634 evolved)."

"If anyone needs -here is a comparison of the mutational profile of this variant , BA.1 and BA.2
PDI 823 .xlsx "

FedeGueli:  " Thx,  Shay!"

Shay:   "For CovSpectrum query i would replace to :
searching 4 out of the 8 unique mutations in this lineage (not present in BA.1 or BA.2)."

 Josette: Here's a link for Shays 's query. ( Kts. linkistä) 

(11 days ago)

Josette: "We found another one. Also I tried to illustrate a bit what the mutations are like":


(9 days ago) 

Fede Gueli: " 23 sequences as today
Early signs of growth advantage vs BA.5 limited to Germany".

 (6 days ago)

 Shay: "27 samples as of yesterday".

 Ulrich:  "With the search term Spike_K147E, Spike_N460K, Spike_G339D, Spike_H69del currently a total of 60 cases are found. We mostly sequence only spike and selected regions in Austria, so these samples are only found with a term that does not demand too many mutations beyond spike. Could we maybe adapt the search term to account for that? 2 samples were also full-genome sequenced already. Really looking like growth advantage. Plus the spread across Germany and beyond says it all...https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/109073004/180005968-d957dfe5-c284-47fc-aa58-67036b0ec2a8.png

FedeGueli: "Ulrich,  i would add Spike_H1101Y to your query".

 C.Roemer.  "FedeGueli, I would recommend using advanced query with NextcladePangoLineage:BA.5* instead of just two mutations which do not immediately show which lineage you compare to. I've edited your growth advantage query

Josedtte, I think your sc2rf plot is confusing as it has Delta BA.2 as parents rather than BA.1 and BA.2. Can you explain why you did that and maybe change it to BA.1/BA.2 if this is a mistake? It's confusing because the title of the issue suggests this is a BA.2/BA.1/BA.2 recombinant.

Here's a quick summary of how I think about this recombinant

Spike is mostly BA.2* but with some notable changes:

  • Missing: T19I, 24-26del, 27S not there because that part is from BA.1* parent
  • Donated: 69-70del convergent with many VOCs
  • Additional S:R346K, convergent with BA.1.1
  • Additional S:K147E, S:N460K and reverted S:493 convergent with BA.2.75 

I've added a BA.1/BA.2 sc2rf pic to the first post in this issue to keep things simple for those reading from top to bottom, Josette

I tried to find which branch the BA.2* donor is from but couldn't find anything interesting in Germany/Europe. For the BA.1 part, there are no private mutations so if anything one can go by exclusion principle.

 corneliusroemer changed the title German BA.2/BA.1/BA.2 recombinant with extra S:K147E, S:R346K, S:H1101Y and 5 other private mutations German BA.2/BA.1/BA.2 recombinant with extra S:K147E, S:R346K, S:460K, S:493 reversion, S:H1101Y and 4 other private mutations 6 days ago

Josette  Shoenma: "Thanks, Cornelius Roemer . Somehow I forgot to include it. Couldn't have done my analysis without it. Here is the one I made from the first 16 sequences. It won't be very different..."

corneliusroemer changed the title German BA.2/BA.1/BA.2 recombinant with extra S:K147E, S:R346K, S:460K, S:493 reversion, S:H1101Y and 4 other private mutations German BA.2/BA.1/BA.2 recombinant with S:K147E, S:R346K, S:460K, S:493 reversion, S:H1101Y [55 seq as of 2022-07-22] 5 days ago


@chrisruis @InfrPopGen @thomasppeacock

There are now at least 55 sequences of this recombinant, 37 have been submitted since Tuesday! I would strongly recommend quick designation as the criteria are satisified, the Spike profile is very interesting and there appears to be growth, too.

Here are recent EPI_ISLs of complete sequences (3 are Spike only) so you can designate even if these sequences aren't yet in the Usher tree (maybe excluded due to long branch? @AngieHinrichs


Thanks @corneliusroemer -- yep, they are filtered out due to having too many reversions relative to BA.2 placement by nextclade, but I've been manually exempting the EPI_ISL's from Josette's initial list and EPI_ISL_13719505 from the cov-spectrum query as of a few days ago. They're in the tree, on a branch with the label proposed823 (Pango lineage assigned by UShER).  ....

I will exempt the rest from your list, so they should be added in tomorrow's build.

CorneliusRoemer:  " Thanks  AngieHinrichs , My list was created using manual AA substitution queries in GISAID - not super reliable. So not surprised you catch a few more."

FedeGueli commented 4 days ago

The Shay´s query finds now 63 sequences of this lineage:

 InfrPopGen pushed a commit to InfrPopGen/pango-designation that referenced this issue 4 days ago

InfrPopGen added a commit that referenced this issue 4 days ago
@InfrPopGen InfrPopGen added this to the XAK milestone 4 days ago

InfrPopGen commented 4 days ago

Thanks for submitting. We've added recombinant lineage XAK with 55 newly designated sequences, and 0 updated designations.


måndag 25 juli 2022

Transposaaseista ja transposoneista - löytyykö uusia hyödynnettäviå terapioita?

 Parhaimmillaan -positiivisimmin ajatellen- tämä  genomin transposoni-transposaasi-järjestelmä joka tunnistaa  jakso jaksolta   genomia ja pystyy  siirtämään tai palauttamaan  jotakin geenikohtaa  tai  estämäänkin  kohdan mobilisoitumisen - on genomin stabilaation perustava  yksikkö. Sen tapa tunnistaa DNA-koodia  minimipätkä pätkältä  moninaisilla  variaatioilla (monine jäsenineen)  muistuttaa jollain tavalla  rreologisen kudoksen   imusolujen kykyjä tunnistaa   prosessoidun antigeenin pätkiä ja tunnistaa itsensä ja ei -itsen. Olen ajatellut, että tämä  itsen tunistus täytyy olla genomissa vanhempi asia kuin  myöhäisenä aikana ilmentyvien  proviruksia muodostavien  virusten  elämänhistoria, joten on olemassa  ikivanha  itsen tunnistusominaisuus  genomissa. On luonnollista, että virus joka haluaa tuhota ihmistä hyökkää tähän järjestelmään, joten täytyy löytää keino, miten tukea  järjestelmää. On otettava selvää sen järjestelmän  jäsenistä ja mitä  se järjestelmä tarvitsee voidakseen hyvin. Mielestäni  sinkki (Zn) on yksi sen tarvitsema tekijä,  toinen lienee  K1-vitamiinipitoinen ravinto ja muut   antioksidanttistatusta ylläpitävät seikat  jne jne  yleiskuntoon ja  terveelliseen elämäntapaan liittyvät   asiat ja toksiinien  välttö ja vältettävien  infektioitten  välttämiseen  pyrkivä  yleinen järkevä käyttäytyminen , johon valtiot kovasti ovat nytkin panostaneet informaatiovirtaansa.  Olen juuri katsomassa  ihmisen  sinkkiproteiinien joukosta niitä, jotka ovat myös  transposaaseja tai muuten  ilmenevät pitkin DNA:ta   Niitä on aika paljon. Nyt kun on lähinnä kyse long-Covid-19 oireista toipumisesta, pitäisi ottaa huomioon, että ihmisen genomillakin on piilevät kykynsä korjautua, mutta   hyvää yleiskunnon hoitoa ja aikaa ja kärsivällisyyttä tarvitaan. JA turhien infektioiden mahdollista välttöä  ja  järkevää hygieniaa kannattaa pitää yllä.


The Sleeping Beauty transposon toolbox-

(Ihmisessä on itsessään se Sleeping Beauty toolbox myöskin ihan Luojan  toimesta) .


The mobility of class II transposable elements (DNA transposons) can be experimentally controlled by separating the two functional components of the transposon: the terminal inverted repeat sequences that flank a gene of interest to be mobilized and the transposase protein that can be conditionally supplied to drive the transposition reaction. Thus, a DNA molecule of interest (e.g., a fluorescent marker, an shRNA expression cassette, a mutagenic gene trap or a therapeutic gene construct) cloned between the inverted repeat sequences of a transposon-based vector can be stably integrated into the genome in a regulated and highly efficient manner. Sleeping Beauty (SB) was the first transposon ever shown capable of gene transfer in vertebrate cells, and recent results confirm that SB supports a full spectrum of genetic engineering in vertebrate species, including transgenesis, insertional mutagenesis, and therapeutic somatic gene, transfer both ex vivo and in vivo. This methodological paradigm opened up a number of avenues for genome manipulations for basic and applied research. This review highlights the state-of-the-art in SB transposon technology in diverse genetic applications with special emphasis on the transposon as well as transposase vectors currently available in the SB transposon toolbox.


Retrovirusinfektion impaktista keuhkoon artikkeli vuodelta 2007


ottaen huomioon miten yleinen on krooninen retrovirusinfketiotila  maailman eri kansoissa, tulee mieleen , voisiko  sars-2 viruspandemian aikaisista  virussekvenssianalyyseistä havaita, jos  näytteet ovat  toista kroonista rNA-virusinfeketiota potivista  ja minkä vaikutuksen tekee  toinen krooninen RNA-virus yleensäkin nykyiseen pandemiaan. Ja pitäisikö  globaalisti  seuloa  positiiviset pandemiat  kahden viruksen osalta saman tien, koska molemmat  ovat  pahimmissä vaikutuksissaan  syvän keuhko-impaktin aiheuttajia. - Ja molemmat virukset voivat  yhteisevoluutiossa  hankkia toisiltaan ominaisuuksia ihmiskunta-aikanaan.

(muita RNA-iruksia tässä mainitsemattakaan) 


Päivitys voittoisimmasta omikronlinjasta BA.5 *


Lineage Most common countries Earliest date # designated # assigned Description WHO Name
BA.5 United States of America 24.0%, United Kingdom 15.0%, Germany 11.0%, France 7.0%, Denmark 7.0% 2021-11-15 863 10602 Alias of B.1.1.529.5, from pango-designation issue #517 Omicron
BA.5.1 United Kingdom 14.0%, France 13.0%, Germany 11.0%, Denmark 10.0%, United States of America 10.0% 2021-11-15 3033 60693 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.1, Portugal lineage
BA.5.1.1 United States of America 70.0%, Canada 13.0%, Mexico 5.0%, United Kingdom 3.0%, Germany 1.0% 2021-12-14 192 2534 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.1.1, USA lineage
BA.5.1.2 Denmark 24.0%, France 13.0%, United Kingdom 12.0%, United States of America 11.0%, Germany 10.0% 2022-04-19 89 961 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.1.2, mainly found in Denmark, Portugal and Luxembourg, from pango-designation issue #790
BA.5.1.3 Germany 52.0%, Denmark 10.0%, United States of America 9.0%, Spain 7.0%, United Kingdom 5.0% 2022-04-30 243 2097 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.1.3, mainly found in Germany Portugal and Spain, from pango-designation issue #765
BA.5.1.4 Denmark 44.0%, United Kingdom 20.0%, Germany 5.0%, Ireland 4.0%, United States of America 4.0% 2022-05-25 116 446 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.1.4, mainly found in Denmark and England, from pango-designation issue #801

180 0 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.1.5, mainly found in UK, Denmark, and Belgium, from pango-designation issue #835

275 0 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.1.6, Mexico lineage

121 0 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.1.7, Canada lineage

74 0 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.1.8, Peru lineage
BA.5.2 United States of America 18.0%, United Kingdom 13.0%, Indonesia 10.0%, Israel 9.0%, Germany 8.0% 2021-11-15 2103 22494 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.2, mainly found in South Africa, England and USA, from pango-designation issue #551
BA.5.2.1 United States of America 39.0%, United Kingdom 12.0%, Germany 6.0%, Denmark 6.0%, Israel 5.0% 2021-10-20 1707 37763 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.2.1, mainly found in South Africa, England and USA, from pango-designation issue #657
BA.5.2.2 France 41.0%, Martinique 19.0%, United States of America 7.0%, French_Guiana 5.0%, United Kingdom 5.0% 2022-05-02 91 819 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.2.2, France and Martinique lineage
BA.5.2.3 United Kingdom 51.0%, Denmark 13.0%, United States of America 6.0%, France 5.0%, Germany 4.0% 2022-05-11 95 1135 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.2.3, UK lineage
BA.5.2.4 Australia 58.0%, United Kingdom 18.0%, New_Zealand 5.0%, United States of America 5.0%, Ireland 4.0% 2022-05-15 20 92 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.2.4, Australia lineage

51 0 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.2.5, Indonesia lineage
BA.5.3 Germany 47.0%, United States of America 14.0%, Austria 8.0%, Denmark 5.0%, United Kingdom 4.0% 2022-01-05 490 2021 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.3, mainly found in Germany and South Africa, from pango-designation issue #550
BA.5.3.1 Israel 19.0%, United States of America 15.0%, United Kingdom 13.0%, Germany 13.0%, South_Africa 8.0% 2022-02-23 308 2307 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.3.1, mainly found in South Africa, Austria, and England, from pango-designation issue #625
BA.5.3.2 Germany 68.0%, Denmark 12.0%, United Kingdom 7.0%, Austria 2.0%, France 2.0% 2022-04-11 138 1312 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.3.2, mainly found in Germany, from pango-designation issue #697
BA.5.3.3 United Kingdom 80.0%, Denmark 5.0%, Netherlands 2.0%, France 2.0%, United States of America 2.0% 2022-04-05 147 758 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.3.3, UK lineage
BA.5.3.4 Germany 76.0%, United Kingdom 5.0%, Denmark 5.0%, Israel 3.0%, Netherlands 2.0% 2021-11-15 152 518 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.3.4, Germany lineage
BA.5.5 United States of America 86.0%, Canada 3.0%, United Kingdom 3.0%, Israel 1.0%, Denmark 1.0% 2022-01-10 2145 15397 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.5, mainly found in USA, from pango-designation issue #656
BA.5.6 United States of America 74.0%, Canada 4.0%, Israel 3.0%, United Kingdom 3.0%, Peru 2.0% 2021-12-14 430 6101 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.6, USA lineage

44 0 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.6.1, Peru lineage

70 0 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.7, Australia lineage

1277 0 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.8, mainly found in England, USA, Denmark and Scotland, from pango-designation issue #743

217 0 Alias of B.1.1.529.5.9, mainly found in Germany, Switzerland and Denmark, from pango-designation issue #753