Olen odotellut tieteellisiä artikkeleja ja käytäntöön projisoituvia yhteenvetoja tästä rekombinanttiryöpytstä, mikä tässä kevään kuluessa on ilmennyt, mutta asiasta saa vain tehdä omia johtopäätöksiä ja odotella statistisia köyriä taudin ilmenemisistä ja kerätä tiedemiesten keskusteluista ja uuden linjan päätöksistä jotain tiedonmuruja. Nyt löysin Espanjasta tällaiset reaktiot, joista syntyi artikkeleitakin yleiseen mediaan. Tosin tämönkin jälkeen on ehtinyt jo tulla yksi rekombinantti lisää XT. Artikkeli ei heijasta rekombinanttien impaktia väestössä; sitä tietoa saa vielä odotella toista tietä. Toisaalta pandemiasuitset on juuri hellennetty miltei kaikkialla ja virus on merkattu pois yleisvaarfallisten virusten asemasta. Luulisi , että lähiviikkoina kävisi ilmi, onko näistä rekombinanteista suurempaa yleisvaaraa.
Sonia Vázquez-Morón
National Microbiology Centre - Carlos III Institute of Health
The UK Health Security Agency's publication of the three recombinant forms of SARS-CoV-2 recombinants XE, XD and XF has made the emergence of recombinants more popular. However, they are not the only ones. A total of 17 Pangolin-designated recombinants are currently described: XA, XB and XC, which predate the recombinants included in that report and originated from recombination of the alpha variant and other lineages, but also other non variant-associated lineages.
The emergence of recombinants is not an isolated event, as it has been previously described in other viruses, including coronaviruses. It has been observed that these viruses are prone to evolve genetically by accumulating point mutations or swapping parts of their genome, so their emergence was to be expected, and even more so at a time of high prevalence of cases. Increased circulation can lead to an increase in the probability of being infected by two different viruses, a prerequisite for recombination to occur.
In this sense, and taking into account viral evolution, surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 is necessary to be able to detect any genetic changes, such as recombinations, that may be associated with changes at epidemiological level and require any intervention at public health level. However, the emergence of recombinant viruses does not necessarily imply a change in the behaviour of the virus compared to circulating viruses (parents of the recombinant). However, time and studies are needed to better understand the possible implications of these recombinations, as well as the possible establishment of one of the new viruses as the predominant virus, as we have seen previously.
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