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söndag 8 mars 2020

COVID-19, nsp3 (819.. 2763)

  mat_peptide     819..2763
                     /note="former nsp1; conserved domains are: N-terminal
                     acidic (Ac), predicted phosphoesterase, papain-like
                     proteinase, Y-domain, transmembrane domain 1 (TM1),
                     adenosine diphosphate-ribose 1''-phosphatase (ADRP);
nsp3 ORIGIN      
        1 aptkvtfgdd tvievqgyks vnitfelder idkvlnekcs aytvelgtev nefacvvada
       61 viktlqpvse lltplgidld ewsmatyylf desgefklas hmycsfyppd edeeegdcee
      121 eefepstqye ygteddyqgk plefgatsaa lqpeeeqeed wldddsqqtv gqqdgsednq
      181 tttiqtivev qpqlemeltp vvqtievnsf sgylkltdnv yiknadivee akkvkptvvv
      241 naanvylkhg ggvagalnka tnnamqvesd dyiatngplk vggscvlsgh nlakhclhvv
      301 gpnvnkgedi qllksayenf nqhevllapl lsagifgadp ihslrvcvdt vrtnvylavf
      361 dknlydklvs sflemksekq veqkiaeipk eevkpfites kpsveqrkqd dkkikacvee
      421 vtttleetkf ltenlllyid ingnlhpdsa tlvsdiditf lkkdapyivg dvvqegvlta
      481 vviptkkagg ttemlakalr kvptdnyitt ypgqglngyt veeaktvlkk cksafyilps
      541 iisnekqeil gtvswnlrem lahaeetrkl mpvcvetkai vstiqrkykg ikiqegvvdy
      601 garfyfytsk ttvaslintl ndlnetlvtm plgyvthgln leeaarymrs lkvpatvsvs
      661 spdavtayng yltsssktpe ehfietisla gsykdwsysg qstqlgiefl krgdksvyyt
      721 snpttfhldg evitfdnlkt llslrevrti kvfttvdnin lhtqvvdmsm tygqqfgpty
      781 ldgadvtkik phnshegktf yvlpnddtlr veafeyyhtt dpsflgryms alnhtkkwky
      841 pqvngltsik wadnncylat alltlqqiel kfnppalqda yyrarageaa nfcalilayc
      901 nktvgelgdv retmsylfqh anldsckrvl nvvcktcgqq qttlkgveav mymgtlsyeq
      961 fkkgvqipct cgkqatkylv qqespfvmms appaqyelkh gtftcaseyt gnyqcghykh
     1021 itsketlyci dgalltksse ykgpitdvfy kensytttik pvtykldgvv cteidpkldn
     1081 yykkdnsyft eqpidlvpnq pypnasfdnf kfvcdnikfa ddlnqltgyk kpasrelkvt
     1141 ffpdlngdvv aidykhytps fkkgakllhk pivwhvnnat nkatykpntw circlwstkp
     1201 vetsnsfdvl ksedaqgmdn lacedlkpvs eevvenptiq kdvlecnvkt tevvgdiilk
     1261 pannslkite evghtdlmaa yvdnssltik kpnelsrvlg lktlathgla avnsvpwdti
     1321 anyakpflnk vvstttnivt rclnrvctny mpyfftlllq lctftrstns rikasmptti
     1381 akntvksvgk fcleasfnyl kspnfsklin iiiwflllsv clgsliysta algvlmsnlg
     1441 mpsyctgyre gylnstnvti atyctgsipc svclsgldsl dtypsletiq itissfkwdl
     1501 tafglvaewf layilftrff yvlglaaimq lffsyfavhf isnswlmwli inlvqmapis
     1561 amvrmyiffa sfyyvwksyv hvvdgcnsst cmmcykrnra trvecttivn gvrrsfyvya
     1621 nggkgfcklh nwncvncdtf cagstfisde vardlslqfk rpinptdqss yivdsvtvkn
     1681 gsihlyfdka gqktyerhsl shfvnldnlr anntkgslpi nvivfdgksk ceessaksas
     1741 vyysqlmcqp illldqalvs dvgdsaevav kmfdayvntf sstfnvpmek lktlvataea
     1801 elaknvsldn vlstfisaar qgfvdsdvet kdvveclkls hqsdievtgd scnnymltyn
     1861 kvenmtprdl gacidcsarh inaqvakshn ialiwnvkdf mslseqlrkq irsaakknnl
     1921 pfkltcattr qvvnvvttki alkgg
 xxxxxxx ( tnympyf) ja xxxxx (inlvg), joka olen merkannut näkyviin.  Jätän näitä
 jaksoja näkyviin, jos myöehmmin tulee lisätietoja
 Vertailua varten ORF1ap pitkästä replikasista  jakso 819-27639  
 819 ap tkvtfgddtv ievqgyksvn
      841 itfelderid kvlnekcsay tvelgtevne facvvadavi ktlqpvsell tplgidldew
      901 smatyylfde sgefklashm ycsfyppded eeegdceeee fepstqyeyg teddyqgkpl
      961 efgatsaalq peeeqeedwl dddsqqtvgq qdgsednqtt tiqtivevqp qlemeltpvv
     1021 qtievnsfsg ylkltdnvyi knadiveeak kvkptvvvna anvylkhggg vagalnkatn
     1081 namqvesddy iatngplkvg gscvlsghnl akhclhvvgp nvnkgediql lksayenfnq
     1141 hevllaplls agifgadpih slrvcvdtvr tnvylavfdk nlydklvssf lemksekqve
     1201 qkiaeipkee vkpfiteskp sveqrkqddk kikacveevt ttleetkflt enlllyidin
     1261 gnlhpdsatl vsdiditflk kdapyivgdv vqegvltavv iptkkaggtt emlakalrkv
     1321 ptdnyittyp gqglngytve eaktvlkkck safyilpsii snekqeilgt vswnlremla
     1381 haeetrklmp vcvetkaivs tiqrkykgik iqegvvdyga rfyfytsktt vaslintlnd
     1441 lnetlvtmpl gyvthglnle eaarymrslk vpatvsvssp davtayngyl tsssktpeeh
     1501 fietislags ykdwsysgqs tqlgieflkr gdksvyytsn pttfhldgev itfdnlktll
     1561 slrevrtikv fttvdninlh tqvvdmsmty gqqfgptyld gadvtkikph nshegktfyv
     1621 lpnddtlrve afeyyhttdp sflgrymsal nhtkkwkypq vngltsikwa dnncylatal
     1681 ltlqqielkf nppalqdayy rarageaanf calilaycnk tvgelgdvre tmsylfqhan
     1741 ldsckrvlnv vcktcgqqqt tlkgveavmy mgtlsyeqfk kgvqipctcg kqatkylvqq
     1801 espfvmmsap paqyelkhgt ftcaseytgn yqcghykhit sketlycidg alltksseyk
     1861 gpitdvfyke nsytttikpv tykldgvvct eidpkldnyy kkdnsyfteq pidlvpnqpy
     1921 pnasfdnfkf vcdnikfadd lnqltgykkp asrelkvtff pdlngdvvai dykhytpsfk
     1981 kgakllhkpi vwhvnnatnk atykpntwci rclwstkpve tsnsfdvlks edaqgmdnla
     2041 cedlkpvsee vvenptiqkd vlecnvktte vvgdiilkpa nnslkiteev ghtdlmaayv
     2101 dnssltikkp nelsrvlglk tlathglaav nsvpwdtian yakpflnkvv stttnivtrc
     2161 lnrvctnymp yfftlllqlc tftrstnsri kasmpttiak ntvksvgkfc leasfnylks
     2221 pnfsklinii iwflllsvcl gsliystaal gvlmsnlgmp syctgyregy lnstnvtiat
     2281 yctgsipcsv clsgldsldt ypsletiqit issfkwdlta fglvaewfla yilftrffyv
     2341 lglaaimqlf fsyfavhfis nswlmwliin lvqmapisam vrmyiffasf yyvwksyvhv
     2401 vdgcnsstcm mcykrnratr vecttivngv rrsfyvyang gkgfcklhnw ncvncdtfca
     2461 gstfisdeva rdlslqfkrp inptdqssyi vdsvtvkngs ihlyfdkagq ktyerhslsh
     2521 fvnldnlran ntkgslpinv ivfdgkskce essaksasvy ysqlmcqpil lldqalvsdv
     2581 gdsaevavkm fdayvntfss tfnvpmeklk tlvataeael aknvsldnvl stfisaarqg
     2641 fvdsdvetkd vveclklshq sdievtgdsc nnymltynkv enmtprdlga cidcsarhin
     2701 aqvakshnia liwnvkdfms lseqlrkqir saakknnlpf kltcattrqv vnvvttkial
     2761 kgg
Suomalainen sekvenssi 819.. 2763 
819 ap tkvtfgddtv ievqgyksvn
      841 itfelderid kvlnekcsay tvelgtevne facvvadavi ktlqpvsell tplgidldew
      901 smatyylfde sgefklashm ycsfyppded eeegdceeee fepstqyeyg teddyqgkpl
      961 efgatsaalq peeeqeedwl dddsqqtvgq qdgsednqtt tiqtivevqp qlemeltpvv
     1021 qtievnsfsg ylkltdnvyi knadiveeak kvkptvvvna anvylkhggg vagalnkatn
     1081 namqvesddy iatngplkvg gscvlsghnl akhclhvvgp nvnkgediql lksayenfnq
     1141 hevllaplls agifgadpih slrvcvdtvr tnvylavfdk nlydklvssf lemksekqve
     1201 qkiaeipkee vkpfiteskp sveqrkqddk kikacveevt ttleetkflt enlllyidin
     1261 gnlhpdsatl vsdiditflk kdapyivgdv vqegvltavv iptkkaggtt emlakalrkv
     1321 ptdnyittyp gqglngytve eaktvlkkck safyilpsii snekqeilgt vswnlremla
     1381 haeetrklmp vcvetkaivs tiqrkykgik iqegvvdyga rfyfytsktt vaslintlnd
     1441 lnetlvtmpl gyvthglnle eaarymrslk vpatvsvssp davtayngyl tsssktpeeh
     1501 fietislags ykdwsysgqs tqlgieflkr gdksvyytsn pttfhldgev itfdnlktll
     1561 slrevrtikv fttvdninlh tqvvdmsmty gqqfgptyld gadvtkikph nshegktfyv
     1621 lpnddtlrve afeyyhttdp sflgrymsal nhtkkwkypq vngltsikwa dnncylatal
     1681 ltlqqielkf nppalqdayy rarageaanf calilaycnk tvgelgdvre tmsylfqhan
     1741 ldsckrvlnv vcktcgqqqt tlkgveavmy mgtlsyeqfk kgvqipctcg kqatkylvqq
     1801 espfvmmsap paqyelkhgt ftcaseytgn yqcghykhit sketlycidg alltksseyk
     1861 gpitdvfyke nsytttikpv tykldgvvct eidpkldnyy kkdnsyfteq pidlvpnqpy
     1921 pnasfdnfkf vcdnikfadd lnqltgykkp asrelkvtff pdlngdvvai dykhytpsfk
     1981 kgakllhkpi vwhvnnatnk atykpntwci rclwstkpve tsnsfdvlks edaqgmdnla
     2041 cedlkpvsee vvenptiqkd vlecnvktte vvgdiilkpa nnslkiteev ghtdlmaayv
     2101 dnssltikkp nelsrvlglk tlathglaav nsvpwdtian yakpflnkvv stttnivtrc
     2161 lnrvcxxxxx xxftlllqlc tftrstnsri kasmpttiak ntvksvgkfc leasfnylks
     2221 pnfsklinii iwflllsvcl gsliystaal gvlmsnlgmp syctgyregy lnstnvtiat
     2281 yctgsipcsv clsgldsldt ypsletiqit issfkwdlta fglvaewfla yilftrffyv
     2341 lglaaimqlf fsyfavhfis nswlmwlixx xxxmapisam vrmyiffasf yyvwksyvhv
     2401 vdgcnsstcm mcykrnratr vecttivngv rrsfyvyang gkgfcklhnw ncvncdtfca
     2461 gstfisdeva rdlslqfkrp inptdqssyi vdsvtvkngs ihlyfdkagq ktyerhslsh
     2521 fvnldnlran ntkgslpinv ivfdgkskce essaksasvy ysqlmcqpil lldqalvsdv
     2581 gdsaevavkm fdayvntfss tfnvpmeklk tlvataeael aknvsldnvl stfisaarqg
     2641 fvdsdvetkd vveclklshq sdievtgdsc nnymltynkv enmtprdlga cidcsarhin
     2701 aqvakshnia liwnvkdfms lseqlrkqir saakknnlpf kltcattrqv vnvvttkial
     2761 kgg
Tietoa 2018:
2018 Jan;149:58-74. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2017.11.001. Epub 2017 Nov 8.

Nsp3 of coronaviruses: Structures and functions of a large multi-domain protein.


The multi-domain non-structural protein 3 (Nsp3) is the largest protein encoded by the coronavirus (CoV) genome, with an average molecular mass of about 200 kD. Nsp3 is an essential component of the replication/transcription complex. It comprises various domains, the organization of which differs between CoV genera, due to duplication or absence of some domains. However, eight domains of Nsp3 exist in all known CoVs:
  • the ubiquitin-like domain 1 (Ubl1), 
  • the Glu-rich acidic domain (also called "hypervariable region"), 
  •  a macrodomain (also named "X domain"),
  •  the ubiquitin-like domain 2 (Ubl2), 
  • the papain-like protease 2 (PL2pro), 
  • the Nsp3 ectodomain (3Ecto, also called "zinc-finger domain"),
  •  as well as the domains Y1
  •  and CoV-Y of unknown functions.
  •  In addition, the two transmembrane regions, TM1 and TM2, exist in all CoVs.
 The three-dimensional structures of domains in the N-terminal two thirds of Nsp3 have been investigated by X-ray crystallography and/or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy since the outbreaks of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in 2003 as well as Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in 2012. In this review, the structures and functions of these domains of Nsp3 are discussed in depth.


Innate immunity; Macrodomain; Nucleic-acid binding domain; Papain-like protease; Structural biology; Ubiquitin-like domain
2020 Mar;45(6):1219-1224. doi: 10.19540/j.cnki.cjcmm.20200216.401.
[Study on screening potential traditional Chinese medicines against 2019-nCoV based on Mpro and PLP].
[Article in Chinese]
Ma J1, Huo XQ1, Chen X1, Zhu WX2, Yao MC3, Qiao YJ1, Zhang YL1. Abstract
With the rapid outbreak of COVID-19, traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) has been playing an active role against the epidemic. However, the screening of TCM is limited by the development cycle and laboratory conditions, which greatly limits the screening speed. This study established optimization docking models and virtual screening to discovery potential active herbs for the prevention and treatment of the novel coronavirus based on molecular docking technology. The crystal structures of 3 CL protease(Mpro) and papain-like protease(PLP) were obtained from PDB database and homologous modeling respectively, and were used to conduct virtual screening of TCMD 2009 database by CDOCKER program. The ingredients scored in the top 100 were selected respectively, and the candidate herbs were ranked by the numbers of hit molecules. Based on Mpro inhibitors screening, 12 322 potential active components were obtained, and the representative active components included
 aster pentapeptide A,
 salvianolic acid B, etc.,
and Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens,
 Asteris Radix et Rhizoma,
 Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma,
 Chuanxiong Rhizoma,
 Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,
 Zingiberis Rhizoma,
Dianthi Herba,
Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,
Cistanches Herba
were obtained.
While 11 294 potential active ingredients were obtained by PLP inhibitor screening, representative active ingredients included
 ginkgol alcohol,
 ferulic acid, etc.,
and Codonopsis Radix,
Notopterygii Rhizoma et Radix,
Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens,
 Ginkgo Semen,
 Chuanxiong Rhizoma,
Trichosanthis Fructus,
Paeoniae Radix Alba,
Psoraleae Fructus,
 Sophorae Flavescentis Radix,
 Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma,
 Angelicae Sinensis Radix
 were chosen.
 By combining the diagnosis and treatment scheme of Hunan province's and angiotensin converting enzyme 2(ACE2) inhibitors screening from literature, present study also discussed the rational application of candidate herbs to this epidemic situation.
Trichosanthis Fructus obtained by PLP inhibitors screening
 and Fritillaria verticillata obtained by ACE2 inhibitors screening were parts of the Sangbei Zhisou Powder and Xiaoxianxiong Decoction, which might be applicable to the syndromes of cough and dyspnea.
 Rhei Radix et Rhizoma screened by Mpro and Trichosanthis Fructus screened by PLP were contained in Maxing Shigan Decoction and Xuanbai Chengqi Decoction, and could be applied to the syndromes of epidemic virus blocking lung.
Mori Folium,
 Lonicerae Japonicae Flos
 and Forsythiae Fructus
obtained by ACE2 inhibitors screening were included in the Sangju Decoction and Yinqiaosan, which might be applicable to the syndromes of warm pathogen attacking lung and cough and dyspnea.
The results of this study are intended to provide a reference for the further development of traditional Chinese medicine to deal with the new epidemic.


2019-nCoV; 3CL hydrolase; angiotensin converting enzyme 2; molecular docking; papain-like protease; traditional Chinese medicine
[Indexed for MEDLINE]

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