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torsdag 12 mars 2020

Ruotsi on hyväksynyt remdesivir-lääkkeen uutta Sars-2 virusinfektiota vastaan

Wikipedialähteestä saa  molekyylikaavan ja IUPAC-nimen ja sen nimen avulla voi  selvittää itselleen molekyylin jokaisen alayksikön.  Lääkkeen hyväksyntä  uuden SARS-2 infektion hoitoon  on tapahtunut Ruotsissa noin 7 tuntia sitten tänään.
Wikipedia teksti ekrtoo lääkekestä aiempmin saaduista hyödyistä vaikeissa  ssRNA virusinfektioissa.

Remdesivir (development code GS-5734) is a novel antiviral drug in the class of nucleotide analogs. It was developed by Gilead Sciences as a treatment for Ebola virus disease and Marburg virus infections,[1] though it has subsequently also been found to show antiviral activity against other single stranded RNA viruses such as respiratory syncytial virus, Junin virus, Lassa fever virus, Nipah virus, Hendra virus, and the coronaviruses (including MERS and SARS viruses).[2][3] It is being studied for SARS-CoV-2 and Nipah and Hendra virus infections.[4][5][6] Based on success against other coronavirus infections, Gilead provided remdesivir to physicians who treated an American patient in Snohomish County, Washington in 2020, infected with SARS-CoV-2[7] and is providing the compound to China to conduct a pair of trials in infected individuals with and without severe symptoms.[8]

 Bildresultat för remdesivir , nCoV

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