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måndag 17 november 2014

EBOV VP24, pieni matrix proteiini on interferoniantagonisti

VP24 pystyy vaimentamaan interferonijärjestelmää ainakin ahdella eri tavalla ( tästä tarkkemmin jo mainittu.
 Se estää isäntäsolun PY-STAT1 tekijän pääsyn  tumaan hälyttämään intereronijärjestelmän aktivoitumista kaappaamalla sen tumasignaalin alfa-karyoferiinin.( isäntäsoluproteiinin). Lisäksi  VP24  voi vaikuttaa suoraan STAT1 molekyyliin.

Vertaa VP35 ja VP24 interferoniantagonistisuuden  eri aluita: . VP35 toimii  upstream ja  VP24 downstream  puolla   IFNalfa/beta- signalointi järjestelmää  tuhotessaan: VP35 ei salli edes  IFN alfa/betaa  muodostua, VP24 ei salli niiden  vaikuttaa .ja herättää niitä yli sataa antivirusgeeniä.

--- the pathogenic ebolaviruses, early suppression of host interferon (IFN) production and signaling plays a decisive factor in disease outcome [4], [5]. Two proteins of the ebolaviruses are used in this strike. The protein VP35 blocks production of IFN-α/β [6] by binding dsRNA, a key hallmark of viral infection, and shielding it from recognition by host immune sensors such as RIG-I and MDA-5 [7], [8]. By contrast, the protein VP24 inhibits signaling downstream of both IFN-α/β and IFN-γ by sequestering karyopherin α proteins (α1, α5 and α6) [9]. Binding to these proteins prevents them from shuttling otherwise activated, phosphorylated STAT1 to the nucleus [9][11].
STAT1 belongs to the STAT family of transcription factors, is a key mediator of the IFN response pathway [12][14] and plays an essential role in the immune response to viruses [15][17]. STAT1 predominately exists in an unphosphorylated form (U-STAT1). Numerous immune factors like type I and type II interferon [14], [18], [19], interleukins like IL-6 and IL-10 [20][23], growth factors [20], [24][26], angiotensin [27], and TNFα [28] cause STAT1 to be phosphorylated (P-STAT1) by the Janus family kinases (JAKs). Upon phosphorylation, P-STAT1 either dimerizes or forms a complex with IFN α/β-stimulated gene factor 3 (ISGF3) [18], [29], [30], and is subsequently transported to the nucleus via karyopherin α proteins where it regulates genes involved in the immune response [31][33].

Minkälainen molekyyli on VP24?
Virologinen kuvasu pyramidisesta hahmosta.  http://jvi.asm.org/content/88/10/5859.figures-only

 Miten se eroaa  patogeenisen ebolaviruksen ( EBOV) ja nonpatogeenisen ebolaviruksen   (RESTV) kesken?

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