Kuten alimmalta riviltä huomaa, sille riville joutuu tämä meikäläisen maailman Punkkienkefaliittirokote TBE rokote Ottaen huomoon että etelän itikat eivät elä täällä, mutta jopa jääkauden ja pakasteolosuhteet kestävä punkki elää, niin paikallisesti pitäisi i priorisoida täällä päin siedettävän hyvää punkkienkefaliittirokotetta, vaikka ollaankin pikkukansoja ja "pikkukieliä" kuten tässä kuulin suomenkin kielestä sanottavan radiossa.
WHO: Immunization standards
Vaccines prequalification priority list 2015-16
High priority vaccines
- Cholera (oral)
- DTwP-based combination containing IPV (DTwP-Hep B-Hib-IPV)
- Dengue
- Hepatitis A
- Human Papilloma Virus [HPV]
- Malaria
- Measles-Rubella
- Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR)
- Pneumococcal conjugate
- Polio (inactivated) [IPV]
- Polio (bivalent live oral) [bOPV1,3)
- Rotavirus
- Typhoid conjugate
- Yellow fever
Medium priority vaccines
- Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTwP)
- DTwP based pentavalent combination (fully liquid DTwP-Hep B-Hib)
- DTaP and DTaP combination containing IPV or Hepatitis B
- Influenza H5N1 for stockpile
- Influenza seasonal Northern and Southern Hemisphere formulations
- Measles
- Meningococcal A-containing conjugate
- Meningococcal W-containing conjugate
- Meningococcal ACWY containing conjugate
- Rabies
- Tetanus-diphtheria for adults (Td)
- Varicella
Low priority vaccines
- DTwP-Hib Fully liquid
- DTwP-based tetravalent or pentavalent combination containing IPV [DTwP-Hib-IPV or DTwP-IPV]
- Japanese Encephalitis
- Meningoccocal AC-containing polysaccharide
- Meningoccocal W-containing polysaccharide
- Polio (monovalent live oral type 2) [mOPV2]
- Polio (monovalent live oral type 3) [mOPV3]
- Tetanus toxoid (TT)
- Typhoid non conjugate
No priority
- Diphtheria-tetanus vaccine for children (DT)
- DTwP-based tetravalent combination [DTwP-Hep B ; DTwP+Hib (liquid-lyophilized)]
- DTwP-based pentavalent combination (liquid-lyophilized) [DTwP-Hep B+Hib]
- Haemophilus influenza type b monovalent
- Hepatitis B monovalent
- Influenza H1N1
- Pneumococcal (polysaccharide)
- Polio (monovalent live oral type 1) [mOPV1]
- Polio (trivalent live oral) [tOPV)
- Rubella monovalent
- Any other vaccine not in the above priority categories
Vaccines of high programmatic interest that were not available
for supply when the 2015-16 priority list was reviewed may be
considered for evaluation if they become available before the end of the
period during which the list remains current.
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