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fredag 8 september 2017

Etsin punkkienkefaliittiviruksen kaavakuvaa, mutta...tässä on toinen flavivirus ZIKV

Näistä flaviviruksista tulee esiin vain Zikaviruksen kuva lähinnä.  Se on kyllä hyvin kartoitettu, mutta olisi pitänyt kartoittaa punkkienkefaliittivirus TBEV  ensin paremmin ja havaita sen evaasiot ja anntiviraalit  potentiaaliset lääkkeet , että voidaan sitten käsitellä Zikavirus, Nyt jää punkkienkefaliittivirus TBEV  jälleen  vähemmälle  huomiolle, vaikka se on oikeastaan  relevantimpi siksi että sen historia on niin pitkä ja  sen mustan  aukon kohdat  tunnistetaan suurin piirtein-  ja  Zika on samannäköinen-  mutta aiheuttaa  jo niin nopeat katastrofaaliset  taudit,  jotta  asia on livennyt hallinnasta jo siihen tasoon, että  ehkä ajatellaan mieluummin " annihiloida maailman itikat".

Tässä ollaan joudutti aikojen bermudaan.

Zikavirus  on flavivirus  kuten puutiaisaivokuumevirus.  TBEV.
Saan ainakin Zikaviruksen kuvan tähän.


More on Zika virus here


Enveloped, spherical, about 50 nm in diameter. The surface proteins are arranged in an icosahedral-like symmetry. Mature virions contain two virus-encoded membrane proteins (M and E), while immature virions contain a membrane protein precursor (prM).
Source: Zhang et al(Pubmed )


Monopartite, linear, ssRNA(+) genome of of 10-11 kb. The genome 5' end has a methylated nucleotide cap for canonical cellular translation. The 3' terminus is not polyadenylated but forms a loop structure. This secondary structure leads to the formation of a subgenomic flavivirus RNA (sfRNA) through genomic RNA degradation by host XRN1. sfRNA is essential for pathogenicity , and may play a role in inhibiting host RIG-I antiviral activity as shown for Dengue virus


The virion RNA is infectious and serves as both the genome and the viral messenger RNA. The whole genome is translated in a polyprotein, which is processed co- and post-translationally by host and viral proteases.


  1. Attachement of the viral envelope protein E to host receptors mediates internalization into the host cell by clathrin-mediated endocytosis, or by apoptotic mimicry
  2. Fusion of virus membrane with host endosomal membrane. RNA genome is released into the cytoplasm.
  3. The positive-sense genomic ssRNA is translated into a polyprotein, which is cleaved into all structural and non structural proteins (to yield the replication proteins).
  4. Replication takes place at the surface of endoplasmic reticulum in cytoplasmic viral factories. A dsRNA genome is synthesized from the genomic ssRNA(+).
  5. The dsRNA genome is transcribed/replicated thereby providing viral mRNAs/new ssRNA(+) genomes.
  6. Virus assembly occurs at the endoplasmic reticulum. The virion buds at the endoplasmic reticulum and is transported to the Golgi apparatus.
  7. The prM protein is cleaved in the Golgi, thereby maturing the virion which is fusion competent.
  8. Release of new virions by exocytosis.

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