Potential mini-saltation on a BA.5.2/BF.7.14.1 recombinant with additional S:M153I, orf1b:P976L, orf7a:V104F in Henan(2 seqs) #1777
GISAID query: Spike_V83F,Spike_M153I,Spike_R346T
Mutations on top of BA.5.2: S:R346T, Orf1a:V274L, Orf1b: L238F, C7528T (BF.7.14 defining mutation excluding S:C1243F and orf7a:H47Y)
This forms a "BA.5.2" branch full of different BA.5.2*/BF.7.14* recombinants on usher.
Branch-specific mutations: A3872G(orf1a:I1203V),
A8967C(orf1a:K2901T), G21809T(S:V83F) (Possibly come from the S:V83F
branch on BF.7.14.1 )
Private mutations:
C13806T, C16394T(orf1b:P976L), G21255T, G22021C(S:M153I), G27703T(orf7a:V104F)
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