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tisdag 23 december 2014

Ihmisen pegivius HPgV, myös kutsuttu hepatiitti G virukseksi joskus , pinttynyt virus

J Gen Virol. 2014 Jun;95(Pt 6):1307-19. doi: 10.1099/vir.0.063016-0. Epub 2014 Mar 25. Human pegivirus RNA is found in multiple blood mononuclear cells in vivo and serum-derived viral RNA-containing particles are infectious in vitro.


Human pegivirus (HPgV; previously called GB virus C/hepatitis G virus) has limited pathogenicity, despite causing persistent infection, and is associated with prolonged survival in human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals. Although HPgV RNA is found in and produced by T- and B-lymphocytes, the primary permissive cell type(s) are unknown. We quantified HPgV RNA in highly purified CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cells, including naïve, central memory and effector memory populations, and in B-cells (CD19(+)), NK cells (CD56(+)) and monocytes (CD14(+)) using real-time reverse transcription-PCR. Single-genome sequencing was performed on viruses within individual cell types to estimate genetic diversity among cell populations. HPgV RNA was present in CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-lymphocytes (nine of nine subjects), B-lymphocytes (seven of ten subjects), NK cells and monocytes (both four of five). HPgV RNA levels were higher in naïve (CD45RA(+)) CD4(+) cells than in central memory and effector memory cells (P<0 .01="" 0.006-0.010="" 0.07="" 0.58-0.14="" a="" among="" and="" apparent="" b-lymphocytes="" broad="" by="" carboxyfluorescein="" cells="" class="highlight" commercial="" conserved="" contribute="" csfe="" delivered="" delivery="" ester="" evidence="" exosome="" explaining="" highly="" hpgv="" in="" including="" isolation="" labelled="" low="" may="" microvesicles="" monocytes="" nk="" non-synonymous="" of="" particles="" pbmcs="" per="" persistent="" precipitated="" pressure.="" range="" ratio="" reagent="" replication.="" rna-containing="" rna="" selective="" sequences="" serum="" site="" span="" subjects="" subsequent="" substitution="" substitutions="" succinimidyl="" suggesting="" synonymous="" t-="" the="" this="" thus="" to="" transferred="" tropism="" uninfected="" virus="" vivo="" was="" were="" with="" within="">human
RNA virus.PMID:24668525[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]PMCID:PMC4027039[Available on 2015/6/1]

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