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tisdag 16 oktober 2018

2015 Lektiiniaffiniteettiplasmafereesillä vähennetty EBOV virusta . Potilas toipui



 Harvinainen löytö netistä:  Saksassa on lektiiniaffiniteetti- plasmafereesitekniikalla (LAP)  saatu puhdistettua  ebolaviruksia yhdestä  potilaastailman  rheologisia komplikaatioita käyttämällä hyödyksi  ainutlaatuista lektiiniä, Galanthus nivalis agglutiniinia (GNA) plasmafiltterissä.  Saatiin filtroitua yli 250 miljoona Ebolavirusta  sekä   glykoproteiinin  GP 6,5 tunnin  plasmafereesissä.   tämä merkitsi  viruskuorman kolminkertaista vähenemistä . EBOV-IgG vasta-aineet nosuivat  plasmafereesin jälkeen ja 13 päivästä  potilas alkoi toipua  vakaata tahtia ja lopulta parani.  Tämä on ensimmäinen kerta kun  LAP-tekniikkaa on  EBOV-viruksen vähentämisessä kehosta käytetty.





Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 30, Issue suppl_3, 1 May 2015, Pages iii229, https://doi.org/10.1093/ndt/gfv179.01
21 May 2015

Introduction and Aims: Enveloped viruses like Ebola, SARS, HIV and Influenza are facilitating many of their destructive features by shedding and secreting glycoproteins (GP). In October 2014 a patient with a Ebola Zaire strain (EBOV) infection was treated in our hospital. In order to reduce EBOV viral and GP load we performed a Lectin Affinity Plasmapheresis (LAP, first time worldwide in EVD). We evaluated viral and GP removal by LAP.
Methods: (1) LAP combines plasma separation with virus capture by the unique lectin Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA), which resides in the extracapillary spaces of the plasmafilter (see US Patent 20120037564 A1). GNA has a high affinity to GP that are universal constituents on the surface of enveloped viruses. Because of the size restricting 200 nm plasmafilter pores no cellular blood components get in touch with the lectin affinity matrix. At the end of the LAP device the plasma recombines with the blood. The Patient’s plasma never leaves the device. The LAP device (Hemopurifier®, Aethlon Medical, San Diego, USA) was incorporated in the arterial line upstream of the dialyzer. LAP was performed safely on EVD day 13 (6,5 hours).
(2) Dialysis (post-dilution CVVHDF with regional citrate anticoagulation) was performed using a multiFiltrate Ci-Ca® device (Fresenius Medical Care (FMC), Bad Homburg, Germany) equipped with the multiFiltrate Ci-Ca-cassette tubing system (FMC) and the AV 1000S dialyzer (FMC).
(3) After treatment the device was flushed with 1000 ml NaCl 0,9%, stored in a refrigerator (4°C) for 10 days until transport to the National EBOV Reference Laboratory at Phlipps University in Marburg, Germany. There the LAP device was eluted according to the manufacturer’s protocol. The eluted RNA was used for reverse transcription, and quantitative real-time PCR. In addition eluates were centrifugated, and pellets as well as supernatants were used for SDS gel electrophoresis followed by western blotting with anti-GP1 (German National EBOV Reference Laboratory, Marburg, Germany), and anti-GP2 (Filovirus Laboratory, INSERM U758, ENS Lyon, France) antibodies.
Results: The LAP device was easily integrated into the extracorporeal circuit. LAP was performed safely (no hemolysis, no clotting or anaphylactic reaction). As shown by western blots circulating GP was removed in addtion to the elimination of 253.160.000 EBOV copies. The EBOV-IgG-titer did further increase after the LAP treatment, and viral load measurements during the treatment phase did show a 3-fold decrease. After EVD day 13 the patient did improve steadily and finally fully recovered.
Conclusions: Our data provide a proof of concept for important supportive Ebola GP and virus capture and warrant further examination of LAP. Reduction of viral load and GP maybe benefical in all diseases caused by enveloped viruses.

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