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torsdag 18 oktober 2018

Ebolaviruksen koodaamasta miRNA kirjosta

Artikkeli alkuvuodesta 2018 .

 KandidaattimikroRNA.ta  EBOV genomisegmentin suhteen : vasemmalla  2´pääty joka transkriboituu ensin.  ja siinä olevat segmentit  (NP)  runsaimmin , samoin   vastaavat miRNA:t.
Esiintymäkirjot kuitenkaan  eivät määräydy  transkriboitumismääristä. niistä on eri taulukot.

Figure 1

 EBOV virustaudeissa ilmeneviä miRNA kirjoja:


EBOV rakenteesta


EBOV, NLRP3 inflammasomi, IL-1B ja IL-18


Epstein Barr virus EBV and LUBAC


 Unexpectedly, we found that LMP1 TES1 domain signaling induced an association between TRAF1 and the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex (LUBAC), and stimulated linear (M1)-linked polyubiquitin chain attachment to TRAF1 complexes. LMP1 or TRAF1 complexes isolated from EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid B cell lines (LCLs) were highly modified by M1-linked polyubiqutin chains. The M1-ubiquitin binding proteins IKK-gamma/NEMO, A20 and ABIN1 each associate with TRAF1 in cells that express LMP1. TRAF2, but not the cIAP1 or cIAP2 ubiquitin ligases, plays a key role in LUBAC recruitment and M1-chain attachment to TRAF1 complexes, implicating the TRAF1:TRAF2 heterotrimer in LMP1 TES1-dependent LUBAC activation. Depletion of either TRAF1, or the LUBAC ubiquitin E3 ligase subunit HOIP, markedly impaired LCL growth. Likewise, LMP1 or TRAF1 complexes purified from LCLs were decorated by lysine 63 (K63)-linked polyubiqutin chains. LMP1 TES1 signaling induced K63-polyubiquitin chain attachment to TRAF1 complexes, and TRAF2 was identified as K63-Ub chain target. Co-localization of M1- and K63-linked polyubiquitin chains on LMP1 complexes may facilitate downstream canonical NF-kB pathway activation. Our results highlight LUBAC as a novel potential therapeutic target in EBV-associated lymphoproliferative disorders.

A20 = unclassified ubiquitin ligase

ABIN1 Preferred Names, TNFAIP3-interacting protein 1
Names  A20-binding inhibitor of NF-kappa-B activation 1,  HIV-1 Nef-interacting protein, Nef-associated factor 1 SNP , virion-associated nuclear shuttling protein
cIAP1, cIAP2 , ubiquitin ligases

LUBAC complex  ub ligases: SHARPIN, HOIP

Toll reseptori TLR3 ja EBOV (2017 tietoa)

Hakusana TLR3, EBOV. 2 vastausta .

Expert Opin Ther Targets. 2017 Apr;21(4):415-425. doi: 10.1080/14728222.2017.1299128. Epub 2017 Mar 1.

Implications of Toll-like receptors in Ebola infection.

Saghazadeh A1,2, Rezaei N1,2,3,4. Abstract
The potential roles of toll-like receptors (TLRs) in immunopathogenesis of Ebola virus disease should be unraveled to provoke possible prophylactic or therapeutic implications of TLRs for EVD. Areas covered: The Ebola virus (EBOV) infection virtually paralyses all the main mechanisms responsible for induction of type I interferon (IFN-I) response.
To summarize, EBOV infection interferes with
: a) the TIR-domain-containing adapter-inducing interferon-β (TRIF) pathway that is mediated by TLR3 and TLR4 signaling;
 b) the interferon regulatory factor 7 (IRF7) pathway that is stimulated by TLR7 and TLR9;
 c) the intracellular signaling that is induced by retinoic acid-inducible gene 1 (RIG-I)-like receptors (RLRs); and
d) the autocrine/paracrine feedback loop that is mediated by the IFN-stimulated gene factor 3 (ISGF3) complex.
Upon infection with EBOV infection, TLR4 plays a key role in production of proinflammatory mediators.

 Expert opinion: It is theoretically possible that use of TLRs 3, 4, 7, and 9 agonists would be beneficial to improve the IFN-I response, despite their systemic side effects. 
Also, antagonist of TLR4 can be utilized to prevent production of proinflammatory cytokines.

Additionally, it is highly recommended to design future investigations aimed at determining if the utilization of IFN-I would be beneficial for prophylactic/therapeutic programs of Ebola.

KEYWORDS: Ebola virus; Toll-like receptor; interferon PMID: 28281905DOI:10.1080/14728222.2017.1299128


 Based on the observations in this study, therapeutic strategies that disrupt or circumvent VP35 function would be expected to increase both innate and adaptive immune responses to EBOV infection, thereby facilitating control and clearance of the virus. Because VP35 mutants lacking dsRNA-binding activity are impaired in the suppression of RLR-mediated activation of MDDCs, therapeutic approaches designed to block this function deserve attention. Because VP35 only partly impaired DC responses to TLRs, the stimulation of non-RLR pathways of DC activation should also be explored as strategies to enhance immunity to EBOV infection in vivo.

Lineaarisen ubikitinaation kompleksi LUBAC on tärkeä TLR3 signaloinnissa

2016 tietoa

(Tämän LUBAC- kompleksin löysin kun  luin RBR- ryhmän E3 ubikitinaaseista HOIL-1 ja HOIP. niillä on muitkin nimiä. RBR tarkoittaa että niillä on rakenteessa RING-IBR-RING
( RING between RING-rakenne)
Toisilta nimiltä ne ovat
HOIL1 on   RBCK1, RNF54, ZRAN , UBCE71P3 ( HOIP ligandi)  HOIL1 on
HOIP on  RNF31 (ring finger protein), ZIBRA, PAUL.
SHARPIN taas tuli vastaan muussa yhteydessä .  Sen UBL- domeeni sitoutuu HOIP UBA- domeeniin ja aktivoi sen).
(Lymfosyytin antigeenireseptorivälitteisessä  aktivaatiossa toimii myös signalosomi CARM1 = CARD11, BCL10, MALT1 (CBM-kompleksi), joka aktivoi NFKB transkriptiofaktorin rekrytoimalla LUBAC ja laskee valloilleen  MALT1 parakaspaasiaktiivisuuden) .
Jos HOIL1-jäsen   puuttuu  LUBAC   on inhibitiossa.
MALT-1 aktivoi lymfosyytti-, muovaa NFkV signaalia , vaikuttqaa myös lymfoomien kasvuun.
HOIL1 on nimeltään myös UbeM4 (UBC7IP3) deubikitinaasin kanssa interaktiota tekevä proteiini).
(Muuten- minulla ei vielä ole käsitystä miten tämä ja  tavllinen RLR, NLR, TLR3 signalointikartta tähän  LUBC- CBM- TLR3  signalointiin  suhtautuu). 

The linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex (LUBAC), consisting of
SHANK-associated RH-domain-interacting protein (SHARPIN),
 heme-oxidized IRP2 ubiquitin ligase-1 (HOIL-1),
 and HOIL-1-interacting protein (HOIP),
is a critical regulator of inflammation and immunity.
This is highlighted by the fact that patients with perturbed linear ubiquitination caused by mutations in the Hoip or Hoil-1 genes, resulting in knockouts of these proteins, may simultaneously suffer from immunodeficiency and autoinflammation. TLR3 plays a crucial, albeit controversial, role in viral infection and tissue damage. We identify a pivotal role of LUBAC in TLR3 signaling and discover a functional interaction between LUBAC components and TLR3 as crucial for immunity to influenza A virus infection. On the biochemical level, we identify LUBAC components as interacting with the TLR3-signaling complex (SC), thereby enabling TLR3-mediated gene activation. Absence of LUBAC components increases formation of a previously unrecognized TLR3-induced death-inducing SC, leading to enhanced cell death. Intriguingly, excessive TLR3-mediated cell death, induced by double-stranded RNA present in the skin of SHARPIN-deficient chronic proliferative dermatitis mice (cpdm), is a major contributor to their autoinflammatory skin phenotype, as genetic coablation of Tlr3 substantially ameliorated cpdm dermatitis. Thus, LUBAC components control TLR3-mediated innate immunity, thereby preventing development of immunodeficiency and autoinflammation.
[Indexed for MEDLINE]
Free PMC Article

Netistä löytyy myös uusi artikkeli heinäkuulta 2018 ja siihen liittyy kuvia, joissa  selvitetään miten antigeeni jouduttuaan  imusolun -solun reseptoriin ( TCR ja BCR)  sitten  antaa  signaloinnin   CBM -signalosomiin  ja NFkB  ja JNK aktivoituvat ja siinä vaiheessa paralleelisti   signalosomi  vapauttaa proteaasiaktiivisuuden, dissosioituu  ja LUBAC ja siihen assosioituneet - tekijät  hajoavat.

Tekijät Regnase-1 ja Roquin: Muistiin.

Virus HAV ja TLR Toll-reseptorin aktivaatio. miten evaasio tapahtuu?

Kuva 1 esittää  TLR3 reseptorin  signaaliteitä, kun sytoplasmaan tulee virus dsRNA.
PMC full text:
Published online 2018 Aug 17. doi:  10.3389/fmicb.2018.0186

Kuva 2 esittää, miten  HAV virus toimii ja   hyökkää  dsRNA-tunnistusjärjestelmää ja interferonijärjestelmää  herättävän  verkoston kimppuun. Se saa aikaan evaasion,   luonnollisen  immuniteetin  vältön.
Front Microbiol. 2018; 9: 1865.
Published online 2018 Aug 17. doi:  10.3389/fmicb.2018.01865

tisdag 16 oktober 2018

2015 Lektiiniaffiniteettiplasmafereesillä vähennetty EBOV virusta . Potilas toipui



 Harvinainen löytö netistä:  Saksassa on lektiiniaffiniteetti- plasmafereesitekniikalla (LAP)  saatu puhdistettua  ebolaviruksia yhdestä  potilaastailman  rheologisia komplikaatioita käyttämällä hyödyksi  ainutlaatuista lektiiniä, Galanthus nivalis agglutiniinia (GNA) plasmafiltterissä.  Saatiin filtroitua yli 250 miljoona Ebolavirusta  sekä   glykoproteiinin  GP 6,5 tunnin  plasmafereesissä.   tämä merkitsi  viruskuorman kolminkertaista vähenemistä . EBOV-IgG vasta-aineet nosuivat  plasmafereesin jälkeen ja 13 päivästä  potilas alkoi toipua  vakaata tahtia ja lopulta parani.  Tämä on ensimmäinen kerta kun  LAP-tekniikkaa on  EBOV-viruksen vähentämisessä kehosta käytetty.





Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 30, Issue suppl_3, 1 May 2015, Pages iii229, https://doi.org/10.1093/ndt/gfv179.01
21 May 2015

Introduction and Aims: Enveloped viruses like Ebola, SARS, HIV and Influenza are facilitating many of their destructive features by shedding and secreting glycoproteins (GP). In October 2014 a patient with a Ebola Zaire strain (EBOV) infection was treated in our hospital. In order to reduce EBOV viral and GP load we performed a Lectin Affinity Plasmapheresis (LAP, first time worldwide in EVD). We evaluated viral and GP removal by LAP.
Methods: (1) LAP combines plasma separation with virus capture by the unique lectin Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA), which resides in the extracapillary spaces of the plasmafilter (see US Patent 20120037564 A1). GNA has a high affinity to GP that are universal constituents on the surface of enveloped viruses. Because of the size restricting 200 nm plasmafilter pores no cellular blood components get in touch with the lectin affinity matrix. At the end of the LAP device the plasma recombines with the blood. The Patient’s plasma never leaves the device. The LAP device (Hemopurifier®, Aethlon Medical, San Diego, USA) was incorporated in the arterial line upstream of the dialyzer. LAP was performed safely on EVD day 13 (6,5 hours).
(2) Dialysis (post-dilution CVVHDF with regional citrate anticoagulation) was performed using a multiFiltrate Ci-Ca® device (Fresenius Medical Care (FMC), Bad Homburg, Germany) equipped with the multiFiltrate Ci-Ca-cassette tubing system (FMC) and the AV 1000S dialyzer (FMC).
(3) After treatment the device was flushed with 1000 ml NaCl 0,9%, stored in a refrigerator (4°C) for 10 days until transport to the National EBOV Reference Laboratory at Phlipps University in Marburg, Germany. There the LAP device was eluted according to the manufacturer’s protocol. The eluted RNA was used for reverse transcription, and quantitative real-time PCR. In addition eluates were centrifugated, and pellets as well as supernatants were used for SDS gel electrophoresis followed by western blotting with anti-GP1 (German National EBOV Reference Laboratory, Marburg, Germany), and anti-GP2 (Filovirus Laboratory, INSERM U758, ENS Lyon, France) antibodies.
Results: The LAP device was easily integrated into the extracorporeal circuit. LAP was performed safely (no hemolysis, no clotting or anaphylactic reaction). As shown by western blots circulating GP was removed in addtion to the elimination of 253.160.000 EBOV copies. The EBOV-IgG-titer did further increase after the LAP treatment, and viral load measurements during the treatment phase did show a 3-fold decrease. After EVD day 13 the patient did improve steadily and finally fully recovered.
Conclusions: Our data provide a proof of concept for important supportive Ebola GP and virus capture and warrant further examination of LAP. Reduction of viral load and GP maybe benefical in all diseases caused by enveloped viruses.

söndag 14 oktober 2018

Virukset ja keskushermoston immunologia (2015) . Termejä

Bioinformation. 2015 Jan 30;11(1):47-54. doi: 10.6026/97320630011047. eCollection 2015.

Viral immune surveillance: Toward a TH17/TH9 gate to the central nervous system.

 Solun suorittama  immunologinen yleiskartoistus  on dynaamista ja nestemäisessä systeemissä  tapahtuaa ja siinä toimivat hienosäädetyt soluprosessista, joihin kuuluu sytokiinejä ja muita  mikromiljöön lokaalisia tekijöitä sekä systeemisiä tekijöitä kaikkialla kehossa.  Kyseenalainen asia on, missä määrin keskushermosto on immuniteetiltaan etuoikeutetussa asemassa   veri-aivo-esteen (BBB) takia. Viimeaikaiset tutkimukset  viittaavat konvergoiviin teihin, joiden kautta virusinfektio ja siihen liittyvät immunologisen päivystyksen  prosessit  saattavat muuntaa veri-aivoestettä ja johtaa tulehdukseen, aivoparenkyymin turvotukseen ja näihin liittyneisiin neurologisiin oireisiin.
Tässä tutkimuksesa laajennetaan viimeaikaista" portistapääsyteoriaa" , jossa  virusinfektio ja muut immuuniaktivaatiotilat saattavat rikkoa spesialisoituneita tiiviitä junktioita  veriaivoesteen endoteelissä tehden sen immuunisoluja ja muita tekijöitä läpäiseväksi. Malli, jonka tutkijat tässä esittävät,  rakentuu väittämälle, että tämän prosessin saattaa varsinaisesti panna alkuun IL-17 -perheen sytokiinit ja että on tunnistettu systeeminen kiinteähkö  tasapaino    TH17  ja TH9 T-solujen  profiileissa.
  • Viral cellular immune surveillance is a dynamic and fluid system that is driven by finely regulated cellular processes including cytokines and other factors locally in the microenvironment and systemically throughout the body. It is questionable as to what extent the central nervous system (CNS) is an immune-privileged organ protected by the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Recent evidence suggests converging pathways through which viral infection, and its associated immune surveillance processes, may alter the integrity of the blood-brain barrier, and lead to inflammation, swelling of the brain parenchyma and associated neurological syndromes. 
  • Here, we expand upon the recent "gateway theory", by which viral infection and other immune activation states may disrupt the specialized tight junctions of the BBB endothelium making it permeable to immune cells and factors. The model we outline here builds upon the proposition that this process may actually be initiated by cytokines of the IL-17 family, and recognizing the intimate balance between TH17 and TH9 cytokine profiles systemically.
Tutkijat väittävät, että immuunipäivystysttapahtumat  virusvasteena  (viruksille kuten HIV)  aiheuttavat TH17/TH19 suhteen  indusoiman läpikulkutien veri-aivo-esteen lävitse.  ja johtavat tyypilliseen neuroimmunopatologiaan. On mahdollista ja jopa todennäköistä, että uusi havainto TH17/TH9 suhteesta  indusoitunut läpikulkutie avautuu  seuraamuksena  immuuniaktivaation mistä tahansa tilasta ja jatkuvista   kroonisista tulehduksista, oli ne sitten liittyneet virusinfektioon tai mihin tahansa muuhun  perifeeriseen tai sentraaliin hermotulehdukseen. 
Tämä näkemys voisi johtaa uuteen, ajallisesti ja kriittisesti potilaskeskeisiin  terapioihin  monen etiologian neuroimmuunisia patologioita potevilla
  •  We argue that immune surveillance events, in response to viruses such as the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), cause a TH17/TH9 induced gateway through blood brain barrier, and thus lead to characteristic neuroimmune pathology. It is possible and even probable that the novel TH17/TH9 induced gateway, which we describe here, opens as a consequence of any state of immune activation and sustained chronic inflammation, whether associated with viral infection or any other cause of peripheral or central neuroinflammation. This view could lead to new, timely and critical patient-centered therapies for patients with neuroimmune pathologies across a variety of etiologies.



BBB - blood brain barrier,
BDV - Borna disease virus,
CARD - caspase activation and recruitment domains,
CD - clusters of differentiation,
CNS - central nervous system,
DAMP - damage-associated molecular patterns,
 DENV - Dengue virus,
EBOV - Ebola virus,
ESCRT - endosomal sorting complex required for transport-I,
 HepC - Hepatitis C virus,
HIV - human immunodeficiency virus,
 IFN - interferon,
 ILn - interleukin-n,
IRF-n - interferon regulatory factor-n,
MAVS - mitochondrial antiviral-signaling,
 MBGV - Marburg virus,
 M-CSF - macrophage colony-stimulating factor,
 MCP-1 - monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (aka CCL2),
 MHC - major histocompatibility complex,
MIP-α β - macrophage inflammatory protein-1 α β (aka CCL3 & CCL4),
MIF - macrophage migration inhibitory factor,
NVE - Nipah virus encephalitis,
NK - natural killer cell,
NLR - NLR,  NOD - like receptor,
NOD - nucleotide oligomerization domain,
 PAMP - pathogen-associated molecular patterns,
 PtdIns - phosphoinositides,
 PV - Poliovirus,
RIG-I - retinoic acid-inducible gene I,
 RIP - Receptor-interacting protein (RIP) kinase,
 RLR - RIG-I-like receptor,
 sICAM1 - soluble intracellular adhesion molecule 1,
 STAT-3 - signal tranducer and activator of transcription-3,
 sVCAM1 - soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule 1,
 TANK - TRAF family member-associated NF- . B activator,
TBK1 - TANK-binding kinase 1,
TLR - Toll-like receptor,
TNF - tumor necrosis factor,
TNFR - TNF receptor,
 TNFRSF21 - tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 21,
 TRADD TNFR-SF1A - associated via death domain,
TRAF TNFR - associated factor,
Tregs - regulatory T cellsubpopulation (CD4/8+CD25+FoxP3+),
VHF - viral hemorrhagic fever.