The post-Ebola baby boom: time to strengthen health systems
Published: 12 November 2016
Länsi-Afrikan Ebola-virustautiepidemia oli katastrofaalisin ja laajin aikanamme esiintynyt Ebola-purkaus ja se aiheutti 11 000 kuolemaa ja mortaliteetti sairastuneissa oli 70%.. Yksistään Liberiassa varmistettiin 10 000 taapusta ja miltei puolet heistä menehtyi( 4810). Vuonna WHO asetti ohjelinjat, joilla purkaus saatiin päättymään ja toukokuun 9. pnä 2015 WHO ilmoitti, että Liberia oli virallisesti päässyt vahvistettuihin kriteereihin. Epidemian aikana huomattiin edeltäneinä vuosina ja vuosikymmeninä vallinneet kehnot tervedeynhoidolliset puitteet, joita on nyt aika kohentaa.
The west African Ebola virus disease epidemic was the most catastrophic and far-reaching Ebola outbreak to date, resulting in more than 11 000 deaths and generating case fatality rates as high as 70%.1 Liberia alone exceeded 10 000 confirmed cases, with close to half of patients infected (4810) dying.2 In 2015, WHO released guidelines for declaring the end of the outbreak,3 and on May 9, 2015, WHO announced that Liberia had officially passed the established criteria. Over the course of the epidemic, attention was drawn to the weak health systems that existed in the preceding years and decades.
The west African Ebola virus disease epidemic was the most catastrophic and far-reaching Ebola outbreak to date, resulting in more than 11 000 deaths and generating case fatality rates as high as 70%.1 Liberia alone exceeded 10 000 confirmed cases, with close to half of patients infected (4810) dying.2 In 2015, WHO released guidelines for declaring the end of the outbreak,3 and on May 9, 2015, WHO announced that Liberia had officially passed the established criteria. Over the course of the epidemic, attention was drawn to the weak health systems that existed in the preceding years and decades.
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