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fredag 5 juli 2019

Ubikitinaasit, Deubikitinaasit, IFN , STAT ja virukset ( Dengue, ZIKA ja HCV )


1. Ensinnäkin miten  hepatiittivirus HCV, dengue ja Zikavirus  saavat ubikitinaationsa?  Niiden  NS2 proteiini saa K63 linkkiytyneen polyubikitiiniketjun E3-ligaasilla, jonka nimi on MARCH8.
Tämä modifikaatio avustaa virusta infektoimisessa  ja HCV virusta vielä virusvaipan hankkimisessa. K63- polyubikitiinimodifikaatio välittää  ESCRT-0 komponenttiin HRS  sitoutumista eli toimii pääsynä  solun   koneistoon, jolla virus  saa lopulta  itselleen   tehtyä  vaipparakennetta ja  pääsyä edelleen.
Viruksen NS joutuu kohtamaan solun sisällä E3 ubikitinaaseja,deubikitinaaseja ja ligaasin säätelijöitä, joista tulee jokoproviraalia tai antiviraalia vaikutusta. Isäntäkehon  E3 ligaasi MARCH8  RING finger-proteiini on todettu  avustavaksi  K63- polyubikitinaatiolla.
Tällaiseen  kohtaan vaikuttavalla deubikitinaasilla olisi sitten loogisesti ajatellen  antivirusvaikutusta ja tästä taas evolutionaalisesi ajatellen aikakausien  ollessa  äärettömän pitkiä virukset lienevät jo kehittäneen oman vDUB, joka kilpailee isäntäkehön sen DUB- entsyyminkanssa,joka  poistaa K63 polyubikitiinejä ja   avustaa  proteiinien joutumista silppuriin.  Tämä artikkeli paljastaa  siis vain  E3-ubikitiiniligaasityypin (MARCH8)  tässä yhteydessä.

Kumar S, Barouch-Bentov R, Xiao F, Schor S, Pu S, Biquand E, Lu A, Lindenbach BD, Jacob Y, Demeret C, Einav S.
Cell Rep. 2019 Feb 12;26(7):1800-1814.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.01.075. Abstract
The mechanisms that regulate envelopment of HCV and other viruses that bud intracellularly and/or lack late-domain motifs are largely unknown. We reported that K63 polyubiquitination of the HCV nonstructural (NS) 2 protein mediates HRS (ESCRT-0 component) binding and envelopment. Nevertheless, the ubiquitin signaling that governs NS2 ubiquitination remained unknown. Here, we map the NS2 interactome with the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) via mammalian cell-based screens. NS2 interacts with E3 ligases, deubiquitinases, and ligase regulators, some of which are candidate proviral or antiviral factors. MARCH8, a RING-finger E3 ligase, catalyzes K63-linked NS2 polyubiquitination in vitro and in HCV-infected cells. MARCH8 is required for infection with HCV, dengue, and Zika viruses and specifically mediates HCV envelopment. Our data reveal regulation of HCV envelopment via ubiquitin signaling and both a viral protein substrate and a ubiquitin K63-linkage of the understudied MARCH8, with potential implications for cell biology, virology, and host-targeted antiviral design.
ESCRT; HCV; MARCH8; assembly; envelopment; hepatitis C virus; intracellular membrane trafficking; proteomics; ubiquitination; virus-host interactions
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Giraldo MI, Vargas-Cuartas O, Gallego-Gomez JC, Shi PY, Padilla-Sanabria L, Castaño-Osorio JC, Rajsbaum R.
Virus Res. 2018 Feb 15;246:1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2017.12.013. Epub 2017 Dec 30. PMID: 29294313  Abstract Dengue virus (DENV) is a member of the Flaviviridae family, which is transmitted to mammalian species through arthropods, and causes dengue fever or severe dengue fever in humans. The DENV genome encodes for multiple nonstructural (NS) proteins including NS1. NS1 plays an essential role in replication by interacting with other viral proteins including NS4B, however how these interactions are regulated during virus infection is not known. By using bioinformatics, mass spectrometry analysis, and co-immunoprecipitation assays, here we show that DENV-NS1 is ubiquitinated on multiples lysine residues during DENV infection, including K189, a lysine residue previously shown to be important for efficient DENV replication. Data from in vitro and cell culture experiments indicate that dengue NS1 undergoes modification with K48-linked polyubiquitin chains, which usually target proteins to the proteasome for degradation. Furthermore, ubiquitinated NS1 was detected in lysates as well as in supernatants of human and mosquito infected cells. Ubiquitin deconjugation of NS1 using the deubiquitinase OTU resulted in increased interaction with the viral protein NS4B suggesting that ubiquitinated NS1 has reduced affinity for NS4B. In support of these data, a K189R mutation on NS1, which abrogates ubiquitination on amino acid residue 189 of NS1, also increased NS1-NS4B interactions. Our work describes a new mechanism of regulation of NS1-NS4B interactions and suggests that ubiquitination of NS1 may affect DENV replication.
Yeh HM, Yu CY, Yang HC, Ko SH, Liao CL, Lin YL.
J Immunol. 2013 Sep 15;191(6):3328-36. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1300225. Epub 2013 Aug 12. Abstract. The IFN immune system com prises type I, II, and III IFNs, signals through the JAK-STAT pathway, and plays central roles in host defense against viral infection. Posttranslational modifications (PTM)  such as ubiquitination regulate diverse molecules in the IFN pathway. To search for the deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) involved in the antiviral activity of IFN, we used RNA interference screening to identify a human DUB, ubiquitin-specific protease (USP) 13, whose expression modulates the antiviral activity of IFN-α against dengue virus serotype 2 (DEN-2). The signaling events and anti-DEN-2 activities of IFN-α and IFN-γ were reduced in cells with USP13 knockdown but enhanced with USP13 overexpression. USP13 may regulate STAT1 protein because the protein level and stability of STAT1 were increased with USP13 overexpression. Furthermore, STAT1 ubiquitination was reduced in cells with USP13 overexpression and increased with USP13 knockdown regardless of with or without IFN-α treatment. Thus, USP13 positively regulates type I and type II IFN signaling by deubiquitinating and stabilizing STAT1 protein. Overall, to our knowledge, USP13 is the first DUB identified to modulate STAT1 and play a role in the antiviral activity of IFN against DEN-2 replication.
Nag DK, Finley D.
Virus Res. 2012 Apr;165(1):103-6. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2012.01.009. Epub 2012 Jan 26.

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